Sunday, September 26, 2010


Are plants the only organism that has chloroplasts in their cells?  Can animals have chloroplast?  Read the following article Making the most of a meal by Stephen Ornes.   

What is a chloroplast?  What is chlorophyll?  What do they do?  Explain why the scientists say the sea slugs "are what they eat?"


Each eukaryotic cells has many organelles.  Read the following article Aerobic exercise improves ability to burn fat by Eric Heiden. 

What fuels your cellular activity?  What are mitochondria?  Why do aerobic athletes have more mitochondria than average people?  Why are mitochondria important when excercising?

Stem Cells

We are beginning our new unit on cells.  We have many different types of cells - brain cells, skin cells, nerve cells, muscle cells, etc.  Can one type of cell become another type?

Read the following article Giving the Brain a Hand by Susan Gaidos.   What are stem cells?  How do you make them?  Where else can you get stem cells from?  Why are stem cells important?

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Hypotheses vs. Theories

My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizza-pies.  When I learned to memorize the planets, my teacher taught me that mnemonic device.  But since Pluto is no longer considered a planet that needs to change.  Read the following article about Pluto.  Is Pluto No Longer a Planet? from National Geographic. 

Why is Pluto no longer considered a planet?  What is the difference between a hypothesis and a theory?  Can you prove a hypothesis?  When does a hypothesis become a theory?

Experimental Design

When conducting a lab experiment, you must have variables and controls.  Read the following article A pepper part that burns fat, by Stephen Ornes. 

What were the independent and dependent variables?  What was the control group?  Why is it important to have a control group?  Write out a proper hypothesis in the "If, And, Then" format.

Making Gemstones and the Scientific Method

Our first unit is almost over... We spent the first part of our unit covering the scientfiic method.  We looked at how to create your own experiment, from observations to hypotheses, and testing your ideas.  In the article, These gems make their own way, by Roberta Kwok, Carrol Chatham tried to make diamonds and ended up making emeralds. 

Describe the scientific processes that Chatham used to create his gems.   What are lab made gems used for?  How similar are they to naturally made gems?

Sunday, September 12, 2010


All living things depend on four macromolecules.  An important type of protein are enzymes.  Read the following article on enzymes:  Enzymes Exposed by Lisa Grossman.  

What are enzymes?  What do they do?  How do they work?  How can scientists use enzymes to help people?

DNA and Ancestry

This week we are looking at the four macromolecules.  One of those is nucleic acids, and DNA is a type of nucleic acid.  Read the following article:  Your inner Neandertal by Stephen Ornes. 

What is DNA?  What does DNA do?  The article says that modern humans share DNA with Neandertal's.  Who were the Neadertal's?  How does DNA help us determine our relationship, when Neandertal's are extinct?

Life on Mars?

Over the last week or two, we have been studying what defines life.  There has always been debate about whether life on Mars has existed or can exist.  Read the following article:  Mars organics get new lease on life by Ron Cowen. 

What are the characteristics of life?  What must all living things be made out of?  What did the scientists discover?  Is life possible on Mars?

Welcome to Ms. Hero's Biology Blog!

Each week I will post a few blog entries related to what we are currently studying in class.  Many times I will post a link to a news article or a link to another blog which somehow relates to what we are studying.  I want you to read the article/blog and then post your comments, ideas, or questions that you have.  I want to see what you have learned and what connections you make with our classwork and the "real world".

You will be required to post a comment on the blog once a week.  Please use complete sentences and proper grammar.  Your answer should be at least 1 paragraph long and should show me that you understand how the news story relates to what we are learning.  Make sure that you sign your comment with your FIRST NAME, LAST INITIAL and PERIOD Do NOT use your last name!  The grading rubric is on the right side of the screen.