Sunday, November 7, 2010

DNA is used to solve crimes...

But what if the DNA was found in a catepillar, and not on the victim?  Read Caterpillars tattletale to police.  How can the caerpillars be used to solve crimes?  Why is DNA technology important? 


  1. The clothes moth caterpillar feeds by consuming human hair and clothes. They also make cases which they carry around with them while feeding. It is these cases that are useful to scientists. The cases contain DNA that can be used to identity a body during forensic analysis. There is another way the case can be used while solving murders. The scientists can use the DNA in the case to see what the person was wearing, or where they were prior to being killed. Clearly DNA technology is important because it can be used to find clues that can be vital to cracking a case. This article relates to what we are learning in class because we are learning about DNA. The article taught me about more ways that DNA can affect us all, without even knowing about it.

  2. The casemaking clothe moth caterpillar eats peices of clothing as well as human hair. Because of this police are able to use them to identify bodies.The insects have been know to feed on dead animals but have also been found to feed on hair which contains DNA.DNA technology is important becuase it can help find missing people by the cases that the larvae leave behind when they become full grow moths.Also it can be a quicker way to solve things maybe like diseases.

  3. The clothes moth caterpillar can be used to solve crimes. Before it evolves into a moth, it dines on clothing, dead animals, and even human hair. Little stubs of hair chewed by the caterpillar contains enough genetic material for the person(s) to be identified. It uses the wool, fibers, and hair to build itself a case to keep warm. In this case, it undergoes metamorphosis. At its last stage, it sheds the case with the genetic material on it. This case can help investigators figure out the idenities of dead bodies, and possibly where they died as well. DNA technology is important because it can identify dead people, and find people.

  4. These caterpillars not only eat through cloths but they also feast on human hair. the Little chewed up hair contains enough DNA, or genetic material, to identify the person the hair came from. This can help police figure out the identity of dead bodies, or even figure out where a person died.DNA technology is important because it has revolutionized modern science. DNA holds many clues that have unlocked some of the mysteries behind human behavior, disease, evolution, and aging. DNA technology has already begun to shape medicine, environmental sciences, and national security. DNA is also passed from our mother and father, which was passed from their parents, and so on. We store our family genetics in our cells which has allowed scientists to figure out much about our past.

  5. Why is DNA technology important?

    Tinea pellionella are caterpillars that make a case of hair and other fibers as they eat wool sweaters and socks. They carry around this case as they live until they reach the point in their lives where they turn into moths. These caterpillars eat the clothes and hair of victims in crimes sometimes. As they shed their casings, detectives can examine them and see where they have been feasting and if their is any important evidence in them. DNA technology is important because it can be used to trace criminals back to the scene of crime. DNA can also be a very useful tool when police need to find what caterpillars have been eating. DNA is only going to go up in usefulness in the years to come and will benefit detectives more and more.

  6. Caterpillars are now being used to help solve crimes about dead bodies. They can be used because they use hair to make their cocoon and the also eat it. The hair then left behind can be used to identify dead bodies. This is obviously very helpful in solving crimes, in fact, it has already been used. Using DNA technology is very important in solving crimes because everybody's DNA is different. Knowing this, you are able to determine the criminal or the dead body easily as long as u have DNA.

  7. Clothes moth caterpillars have been much help to detectives. Yes, they may feast on your sweaters and socks, but they also feed on human hair. As the caterpillar consumes the fibers from your clothes and hair, it makes itself a cozy and safe case. Once the caterpillar must transform into a moth, it sheds this casing and flies off, leaving the fibers and hairs behind. With the hair extracted from the case, police use the DNA to identify the person to whom it belongs to. This process is very important as it has helped identify a dead body in the past and can continue to do so in the future.

  8. Caterpillars can feast on human hair so when detectives need to clarify a dead body the caterpillars are useful to identify the person. By identifying someone's hair to their body, caterpillars can tell where the person had died. From new technologies and inventions, detectives are able to find more clues from the crime. The DNA helps define the person and give details about it.

  9. Caterpillars can be used to identify a dead person.Little stubs of hair chewed up by a clothes moth caterpillar contain enough DNA, or genetic material, to identify the person the hair came from. That can help police find out the identity of dead bodies, or even figure out where a person died. DNA technology has helped police solve crimes and murders. It has helped them figure out the identity of dead bodies, or to figure out the location where a person dies

  10. In the article, the author wrote about how Tinea pellionella, casemaking clothes moths, could help detectives identify dead bodies. The moths begin their life as caterpillars, mostly known for the holes they make in wool clothes. However, they also dine on the hair of dead animals, which sometimes happen to be humans. To keep safe, a caterpillar builds itself a case of wooly fibers and hair, gathered from feeding while inside the case. While it eats, it is constantly growing, and must expand its case with fibers and hair that it finds. Soon enough, it sheds the wooly case and transforms into a moth, leaving its case behind. Forensic scientists can use cases found can to determine a body's identity. DNA technology allows DNA found in small bits of hair in the cases to tell police who the person was. Thus, some caterpillars, though they may not seem it for detective work, can help real detectives figure out the identity of a dead body.

  11. Caterpillars can be used to solve crimes through going about their daily lives. The garment-hungry caterpillars, known as Tinea pellionella, go through a process before they turn into moths. They start as caterpillars, which slink around in cocoon-like structures (like a case) made of wool fibers and hair. The caterpillars survive off of dead animals, in the wild, and when it is time to turn into a moth they find a secluded place and shed their "cases". These cases contain hair which has enough DNA to identify dead people. The cases can also be used to find out where the person died, even if their bodies were moved away from the caterpillar's case.

  12. This article is about how certain types of caterpillars can be used to solve crimes. They are used to solve crimes because clothes moth caterpillars, like to eat human hair, not just sweaters and socks. This helps scientists to be able to look at their waste and find hairs in it. By doing this, and by looking at the DNA, they can find out who the hair belongs to, which helps them find the dead body. DNA technology is important, for reasons like this and for other reasons. In this case, they were able to use DNA technology in order to identify someone, who has most likely died. This technology is important when it comes to a way of identifying people, even if it is by the smallest thing like a strand of hair.

  13. The adorable little creatures we know as caterpillars are detectives in their own rite. And all they have to do is eat. Caterpillars, well specifically clothes moths caterpillars (gees that a mouthful) can help crime labs identify victims and where said victim died. The little critters have a diet of clothing (predominately wool), animals, and ready for this? Human hair. This is all rather disgusting if you ask me. Anywho while the creature is still a caterpillar and eating like a teenage boy, said creature builds a cocoon-type thing around itself. As it continues to feed and grow it expands its cocoon by adding bits of its food to it. When the baby bug is all grown up and ready to turn into a moth it escapes its cocoon and flies away. The cocoon has little bits of DNA that can help the process of identification and lead to where the victim died. DNA technology is indeed important for obvious reasons the most relevant to this is to help in criminal investigations. DNA evidence is what can make or break a case it can also be the deciding factor in whether the perpetrator is convicted or not. DNA technology is also helpful in medical research and I believe plays a key factor in research for cures.

  14. The caterpillars, Tinea pellionella, start as caterpillars that turn into the moths that eat the clothes in our closets. These little caterpillars keep themselves safe and warm by forming a case made of hairs and fibers. The caterpillars shed the case when they turn into a moth.The hairs in the left-behind cases contain enough DNA that would be able to tell scientists where the hair came from, and potentially help to identify dead bodies. DNA technology is important, because without it... the cases from these caterpillars would be absolutely useless to forensic scientists trying to solve crimes.

  15. In The Cloth Moth's article the caterpillar eats through cotton and wool and fabrics. However before we came around and made all of that it ate dead animals. Scientists now realize that they could possibly use this caterpillar in order to help solve murder cases or potentially identify a victim. They way this works is when the caterpillar eats part of the human the hair of the human that it eats doesn't completely digest. So when they find the human hair in their system, that hair contains enough DNA to figure out who the person is. It has even been known that they can sample the dirt in the hair and maybe figure out where they died. What the caterpillars really do is they make a home of all of the fibers it's collected and found and feeds while inside of that. When it's time to turn into a moth it leaves its home behind and thats when scientists can study.

  16. Little stubs of hair chewed up by a clothes moth caterpillar contain enough DNA, or genetic material, to identify the person the hair came from. DNA technology is important because it can help police sleuth out the identity of dead bodies, or even figure out where a person died. DNA tThese cases have enough bits of DNA-carrying hair that police can determine the identity of the person the hair belongs to — even if the person’s body gets moved to another location, away from the caterpillar’s case.

  17. In the article, the use of moths for forensic science is explained. The case making clothes moth is the highlight of the article. When a larva, the animal collects hair and fibers to keep protected. the casing contains enough hair for forensic scientists to take DNA to run in the lab. In biology class, we were learning about extraction and use of DNA.

  18. Caterpillars can be used to identify dead bodies. They can also be used to figure out where the person died too. Caterpillar moths to not only burrow in clothes, but they also feed on human hair. Little stubs of hair found in clothing can give scientists just enough DNA to identify the person.

  19. Caterpillars can be used to solve crimes by using their shell that they lived in until they turn into a moth. Since they eat human hair they gather enough genetic info for police to find who the hair belonged to. The scientist test the dead skin left behind. DNA technology is important because then they would be able to identify dead bodies found at a crime scene. Also even though the body was moved to a new location scientists would be able to find out where the murder took place.

  20. Are we really so advanced that we can solve crimes by identifying stuff on caterpillars and their wastes? Yes. Using forensics, we can track down old DNA from months ago from something so subtle and unimportant such as a caterpillar's crust. Forensics is one of the most advanced sciences we have (which it should be, legally) and our breakthroughs in microbiology allow us to genetically engineer and identify DNA in the molecular level. This has only been around for 20 years, and will only get better.

    Zhenya F. 7

  21. Sabrina L, 7th periodThu Nov 11, 08:01:00 PM 2010

    Clothes moth caterpillars eat clothes and human hair which can help detectives identify dead bodies. The casemaking clothes moths, Tinea pellionella starts out as a caterpillar and transforms into a moth. Scientists recently noticed that these moths dine off of dead animals. The little stubs of hair chewed up by the moths contains enough genetic information to identify the person the hair came from. The moth then builds itself a case of wooly fibers and hair to keep itself cozy and safe. It burrows inside the case, dragging it around while eating. It pokes out to eat and expands its case with pieces of hair and fiber found along the way. When it changes into a moth, the caterpillar goes to an out-of-the-way place and sheds the case, leaving the case behind. DNA technology has allowed detectives to collect enough hair to identify dead bodies. Without DNA technology or these moths, detectives would have a harder time solving crime mysteries.

    -Sabrina L, 7th period

  22. In this article caterpillars are used to solve mysteries. A certain type of moth known for eating holes in wool clothing was found to also feast on human hair. This is helpful to find missing or dead bodies. DNA technology is important to this because once enough hair is gathered it can be identified who the missing person was.

  23. The clothes moth caterpillar are also known to chew up human hair. This can be important to solve crimes because the police can take the hair from the caterpillars and get the DNA from the hairs. DNA technology is important because it helps solve serious crimes and it identifies a person and their characteristics. This can be important information in a serious situation.

  24. This article was about caterpillars that are being used to solve crimes. The moth Tinea pellionella, commonly known as the casemaking clothes moth, is famous for eating holes in wool garments. However, it is now known that they eat human hair as well. Human hair contains DNA, and DNA can be used to identify the wearer of the clothing. When the moth leaves, it leaves behind a shell with remains of the person's hair, containing just enough DNA to be analyzed. This technique has been used once already to identify a murder victim in Texas. Technology involving DNA has played a crucial role in solving countless crimes and convicting criminals. It continues to be a useful tool to crime fighters across the country.
    –Ted A. 7°

  25. For several years now people have been using DNA to identify dead bodies related to crimes. The problem with this is that if the body is hidden DNA may not be found. Luckily, scientists have discovered that clothes moth caterpillars eat not only clothes, but the hair of dead humans. When they eat these materials they build a cocoon around themselves with the waste product. When they turn into a moth the cocoon remains intact. Forensic scientists have discovered that the DNA material left inside the cocoons made of hair can be linked to crime investigations. These DNA cocoons can provide substantial evidence in some crime cases.

  26. They can be used to get bits of parts of DNA to find criminals. Also DNA technology is important so they can find out things that police cannot see. This relates to what we are learning in class because we are using technology. In addition the technology we use can be used on crime scenes. This is some ways this article has some to do with what we do in class.

  27. This article explains how clothes moths (as caterpillars) can help identify people, even their location. This is because the clothes moth's caterpillar eats hair from dead bodies. The caterpillar sheds a case around itself as it grows up, made up of hair and wool, the main things the caterpillar eats. Once the caterpillar has grown so much, it becomes a moth, and leaves its case behind. This case, made up of hair, can be used by police scientists to examine, because of all the DNA found in the hair the case is made up of. There's so much DNA in there that it gives enough information to identify a person, even where it was originally. DNA technology like this is very important, because it can help identify any person, living or deceased, using a part of their DNA. Identifications could be used for police investigation, such as in crime scenes, and in just confirming a person is who s/he is, such as if there is confusion between two people who look alike.

  28. i read about Clothes moth caterpillars and how they can help police identify dead bodies. they are known to eat through fabrics but they are also said to feed on dead animals in the wild.the caterpillar grows the longer it stays in its woolly case home. new moths may fly away, but it leaves its cast-off case behind. the cases left behind carry the DNA to identify a person.

  29. In this article, the author discusses the new idea of extracting human hair follicles from clothes moth cases. Clothes moths are known for their attraction to clothing and leaving holes in people's clothing, hence the name clothes moths. When building their cases, they make them out of fibers and hair. When it's time for the caterpillar to change into the moth and leave its case, the moth flies away, leaving the case. The forensic scientists collect the cases to extract the hair and test it to discover a persons identity.

  30. Tinea pellionella, begin as caterpillars. Like clothes moths, these caterpillars eat away at dead bodies. Little pieces of hair chewed by these caterpillars have enough DNA to distinguish who the person is the hair came from. From that, the police can solve a fraction of a crime. DNA technology is important because it helps people solve crimes and put the psychopaths behind bars/helps put the victim's families at peace.

  31. In the article Caterpillars Tattletale to Police, they talk about the Clothes Moth Caterpillar, and how they can help detectives find dead bodies. You see, these special caterpillars don't just eat your clothing, but your hair as well, so when a corpse is found,the little bits of chewed up hair from a clothes moth caterpillar actually contains enough DNA to identify the person the hair came from, or even where the person died. This article relates to what we are doing in science for, like forensic investigators, we are conducting experiments trying to see what methods will allow us to see an E.coli bacterium glow green under UV light.

  32. Cloth moth catipillars can be used to solve crimes even though they are annoying to people because they chew through clothing. The reason why they are good to have around is because they love eating hair. This can benefit the police because hair carries DNA, which can be used to identify a body. DNA technology improvement is very important because all living things are made up of DNA. With more DNA technology murder cases would get cracked sooner.

  33. Bucheli is showing how to use the moths’ leftovers as a forensic tool to solve mysteries. Little stubs of hair chewed up by a clothes moth caterpillar contain enough DNA, or genetic material, to identify the person the hair came from. That can help police sleuth out the identity of dead bodies, or even figure out where a person died.

    To keep cozy and safe, the clothes moth caterpillar builds itself a case of woolly fibers and hair. The caterpillar burrows inside the case, dragging it around while feeding. The insect pokes its front end out to eat, growing bigger by the day. To adjust, the caterpillar expands its case with snips of hair and fiber found along the way.

    Once it’s time to change into a moth, the caterpillar shuffles off into an out-of-the-way place and sheds the woolly case. The new moth may fly away, but it leaves its cast-off case behind.

    And that’s precisely what forensic scientists could use to put a name to a dead body. These cases have enough bits of DNA-carrying hair that police can determine the identity of the person the hair belongs to — even if the person’s body gets moved to another location, away from the caterpillar’s case.

    DNA technology is important because if someone dies and you want to know who it is then this is the way to do it either by a single strand of hair or the tiniest finger print

  34. The catepillars can be used to solve crimes by leaving behind there leftovers from their transformation to a moth. First, when they are still catepillars, they seem to eat wool or fur from dead animals. Then they dig into our clothing, especially wool sweaters. When they are through they decide to eat human hair which then contains DNA. When they are finished they transform into moths. Their left overs can be used to find the suspect or unidentified person. DNA is very important because when there is a murder case we have to be able to find the suspect. Like when I watch CSI then they use machines and chemicals to help identify the suspect, thats why they used lutraviolet lights to search the building/home.

  35. DNA found on a victim is not the only way to identify a human body; investigators have discovered a moth caterpillar with hair from an abandoned body nearby. The hair found on the caterpillar can help the investigators determine the body's identity.
    DNA technology is important because, in this case, the technology can help detectives read genetic material and therefore uncover cases of missing persons.

  36. Caterpillars are not very helpful at all. They eat everything and then they turn into butterflies or moths and taunt little kids into chasing and getting injured. Using the eating habits of the early stages of this insect as a crime solver is an excellent idea. But, this article fails to explain how they check the caterpillars for DNA. How do they filter out the caterpillar results that could be faulty. Example: they find a dead body, they cannot identify who it is, they take a nearby caterpillar for DNA testing, and it comes back with a completely different person who lives in the area who is still alive.

  37. Scientists have found that the Clothes moth caterpillars can help them discover the identity of a human body or even figure out where they died. The caterpillars eat human hair and leave behind little stubs of it. These little pieces of hair can contain enough DNA to identify a person's body. The caterpillar builds itself a case of woolly fibers and hair and then burrows inside the case in its process of changing into a moth. As it feeds and moves around, it collects other hair and wool and grows bigger everyday. When its time to change into a moth, it then sheds the casing and leaves it behind. Forensic scientists then use this to match some ones DNA.
