Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Are men more evolved than women?

The fast evolving human chromosome is the Y chromosome.  Read all about it in Seth Borenstein's article:  Are Men More Evolved Than Women

What role do your genes play in evolution?  Why would it be advantageous for the Y chromosome to evolve at such a quick rate compared to the rest of the chromosomes?


  1. When i read this article it brought many questions to mind. I thought it was interesting science because we arent really sure where this can lead to. I do have to say that i completely agree with doctor Jennifer Hughes when she says "Just because the Y chromosome, which determines gender, is evolving at a speedy rate it doesnt necessarily mean men themselves are more evolved." Although their chromosomes are becoming more advanced, and not the X chromosome, that does not mean that they are any better or more advanced than girls. Like this article said, evolution expands over a long period of time so we'll just have to see where this evolution of the Y chromosome leads the human race to.

  2. Genes play and important role in evolution. Genes code for phenotypes, or physical traits. Physical traits are what help an organism survive or die. It could be advantageous for th Y chromosome to evolve faster because it is only found in males.

  3. When I read the article, one thing came to my mind. If the men are evolving faster than the woman is this going to bring a rapid change to the human population. Humans like most organism need both male and female to survive. If the male are evolving faster than the female, it might cause one of the sex to die. Which will cause the human race to die since we wouldn't be able to reproduce. However there is the chance the sex that doesn't die evolve to reproduse asexually. But this is just a theory. Anyway I thought the video realy explained how the figured out the male were evolving faster than the female. I also liked the video when it pointed out the mental difference between male and female humans might have came from their society.

  4. It was interesting to see that it was originally though that the Y chromosome was going to die out, but now i can see that it does have the abilities to stay surviving. It seems as if, even though it is evolving faster, that it will eventually be caught up because the X chromosome has such a larger number of overall chromosomes. This should allow more overall changes, even if the changes are for the moment covered up. Also, most of these spontaneous changes will be harmful, and would benefit from being covered up like the X chromosome does with it's changes.

  5. Although I do like the fact that the rate of men are believed to evolve is higher, but I still think that the same shoud happen to the X chromosome. But, that's just how life goes. The two articles had two totally different topics, so it was hard to decide what was eventually going to happen to the Y chromosome. Men and women are equal, so the chromosome evolve and growth rate should also be equal. Hopefully, the world will keep male humans on this planet and the Y chromosome will not die out and eliminate male human beings.

  6. I thought it was very interesting to read that people thought that in 50,000 years the Y chromosome was going to disappear completely along with men, this was wrong, but it's still really interesting that people that was going to happen. i also thought it was interesting that we are 30 percent related to chimps. I also think that it's really interesting that there are so many X chromosomes and the Y the chromosomes are still the ones that determine the gender.

  7. I found this article interesting because i didn't know that it was possible that men can be more evolved because men and women are both humans and the same species should evolve at the same rate. I didnt understand why they think that this might be true because i didnt see any data but i did see facts in the article. I hope that this article is not true because it would mean that eventually men may be way more evolved then women and be better at everything. it would not be fair to women and then we would be inferior to men because they would have all kinds of phisical and mental advantages.

    -alicia r. 6th period

    p.s. sorry i did it under anonymous it wouldnt work as anything else

  8. I found it very interesting when Dr. David Page said "It's almost ongoing churning of gene reconstruction. It's like a house that's constantly being rebuilt." I found this interesting because it's really cool to actually see evidence that the world is changing piece by piece right in front of our eyes. And I also took an interest in seeing how the Y chromosomes are adapting to survive and stay living, showing that they deserve to stay because they are using the skills of survival of the fittest.

  9. This related to what we are doing in clas because it talks about x and y chromosomes. Chromosomes in the human body give us our characteristics. In Lamarck's and Darwin's theorys that they beleived had to do with characteristics of an organism.
