Sunday, October 17, 2010

4th Period: Size of the Human Genome

This week we are studying how our DNA is used as a "recipe" or "code" for all of our traits.   Read the article More than a chicken, less than a grape by Tina Hesman Saey.

What is the human genome project? What is a gene? What do genes code for? What is an intron? What is an exon? Why might scientists look at RNA rather than DNA to count the number of genes human's have?


  1. The human genome project is a large project where goal is to find out the amount of protein producing genes in a human body. It was basically finding out the blueprint of the human race. A gene is a unit of hereditary information that would code for proteins and traits. An exon is a piece of a gene that codes for a portion of proteins. An intron is basically junk DNA that are spacers between the exons and they don't code for anything. Scientists might look at RNA because it is basically the same as DNA except it consists of only one chain so it might be easier to study, rather than the double chain structure of DNA.

  2. Creating a human requires a huge amount of DNA coding, a total of 22000 genes which are all programmed by huge amounts of pairs. Contrary to popular belief, a grape still requires more DNA to create. They have a total of 30434 genes, that is over one and a half times more. Chickens only need about 16736 genes. Scientists count genes using RNA because that is what is used to code proteins. I wonder though, how does a simpler organism require more coding then a more complex one?

  3. the human genome project was made to decipher the genetic blueprint of humans was supposed to reveal all of the protein-producing genes needed to build a human body.genes are what mades up to what you will look like. genes code for genetic material.human genes are found in protein-encoding pieces called exons, interspersed with stretches of DNA that don’t make protein. These spacers are called introns.
    to answer the last question they would look at you rna because that is what made the genes because dna cannot fit outside the membrane wall

  4. A the humane gnome project is to decipher the genetic blueprint of humans. This will reveal all the protein that are producing genes needed to build the body. A gene is only a specific part of the dna. Like only a piece of it. A gene codes for a portion of a protein. Human genes are found in exons, which are spread along the dna and only some DNA contains exons and others don't make proteins so the spacers are called introns which do not hold genes. Scientists might look at RNA rather than DNA because when they looked at RNA in fruit flies they found more than looking at the DNA.

  5. The human genome project is an effort to identify all of the human genes and other parts of those genes, that can lead to a huge amount of proteins being formed. A gene is a section of the chromosome that codes for a specific characteristic. Genes are also called exons. Introns are sections of the chromosome that don't code for any characteristics. It's also known as "junk DNA". In the human genome project, the scientists that are counting the genes in chromosomes might look at RNA rather than DNA because they found new genes on chromosome 4 by using RNA instead of DNA. By doing this on every chromosome, scientists may be able to discover many, many new genes and the gene count in humans may go up pretty significantly.

  6. The human genome project is a project to decipher the human blueprint. It was also supposed to discover all the protein producing genes needed to build a human body. A gene is the hereditary info passed down to form a human. Genes code for a specific characteristic. An exon is the same thing as a gene, and an intron doesn't code for anything. Scientists might look at RNA rather than DNA because in the article it said that RNA would have the lower count in genes and that might be a starting point.

  7. The human genome project was announced completed few years ago and it was to show all the genes that produced proteins to build a human. Genes are codes that tell the body how to build itself and how to grow. Intron is junk DNA, it doesn't code for anything. But Exon codes for thing. Looking at RNA can show more genes than looking at DNA

  8. In Biology class we are learning about DNA and the genes within them. Scientists have always had a hard time determining the amount of genes in a human. Most of the estimates of human genes fall between that of a chicken and that of a grape. Humans have been estimated to have 22,000 genes. Grape plants have 30,434 genes and chickens have 16,736 genes. The results from counting human genes have been scattered all over the place. For example, REFSEQ has counted that humans have 22,333 genes, but the government database lists that humans have 38,621 genes. Another source called Gencode counted that humans have 21,671. Human genes are found in protein pieces called exons.

  9. StephanieR. 6th periodThu Oct 21, 08:47:00 PM 2010

    The human genome project is the the blueprint of human life.Its to find out how much proteins we have in a human body .A gene is a part that makes proteins.Genes code for the characteristicts of a person like there hair,eyes.This relates to what we learn in class because we are dicussing how DNA works and makes a persons genes witch make a persons characteristic.Thats what we are talking about and this article really explains to you how genes work and the codes for genes.

  10. The human genome project's goal is understand the genetic blueprint of humans. They are trying to identify all of the human genes. A gene is a sequence of DNA that codes for a protein and thus determines a trait. An intron is an intervening sequence of DNA that does not code for a protein. They act as spacers in DNA. An exon is an expressed sequence of DNA but it does code for proteins. These are what scientists use to determine genes. Scientists might rather look at RNA than DNA because there are some genes that only code for RNA.

  11. The human genome project is the process on trying to figure out how many genes a human body has. A gene is the "code" for making proteins. It codes for the amino acids. An intron is part of the gene that does not turn into a protein, unlike an exon. Scientists may look at RNA rather than DNA because the RNA plays a big role for the gene to creat proteins.

  12. The human genome project was to decipher the genetic blueprint of humans and was suppose to reveal all of the protein producing genes needed o build a human body. A gene is a part of DNA that is involved in making polypeptide chains. Genes code for proteins. An intron is a sequence of eukaryotic genes DNA that is not transformed into proteins. An exon is also a sequence of DNA that transcribes into protein structures. People look at RNA because it is easy to sequence them

  13. In Biology class we are learning about DNA and the genes within them. Scientists have always had a hard time determining the amount of genes in a human. Most of the estimates of human genes fall between that of a chicken and that of a grape. Humans have been estimated to have 22,000 genes. Grape plants have 30,434 genes and chickens have 16,736 genes. The results for counting human genes have been scattered all over the place. For example, REFSEQ has counted that humans have 22 333 genes, but the government database lists that humans have 38,621 genes. Another source called Gencode counted that humans have 21,671. Human genes are found in protein pieces called exons.

  14. The human genome project's purpose was to find all the protein-producing genes needed to build a human body. A gene is the basic physical unit of heredity. Gene's code for protein. An intron is the segment being removed from the RNA copy before transcription. An exon is the place where human genes are found, it is translated into a protein. Scientists look at RNA instead of DNA because RNA sequencing methods detect more genes.

  15. The human genome project is the genetic blueprints of humans that was suppose to reveal proteins froming genes to build our bodies. A gene is the coded intructions for the synthesis of the DNA. An intron is a non-coding segment in the length of a DNA that interrupts a gene-coding sequence. An exon is a portion that interuppts the gene that is represented in the RNA product. RNA is the repica or copy of the orginal DNA.
