Why is going outside important? Read the following article. Explain what benefits the outdoors has on us.
In the Green of Health: Just 5 Minutes of 'Green Exercise' Optimal for Good Mental Health.
This is the blog for Ms. Hero's Biology Class at Carlmont High School. Articles related to what we are studying in class will be posted with prompts for student response.
ReplyDeleteYes going outside is very important. Why?Because it keeps you fitand active insead of just sitting in the house all day. Along with burning calories, going outside can strength your attention spand and it can give you better memory.Another thing, is that instead of staying indoors on the computer or watching tv, going outside can improve eye sight and can also give your brain some fresh air! Stepping outside can releive pressure most of the time and can give you a nive peaceful place to think about certain situations and set your mind free!
Five minutes of exercise in a natural setting increases self-esteem and lowers the risk for mental illness. This is another reason to prevent enviromenral destuction. If we destroy the enviroment then we will not be able to benifit from green exercise.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside is important because we need to remain active in order to be a healthy organism. Remaining inside all day cuts our ties with nature, as well as prevents us from enjoying the natural beauty of the outdoors. In the article, a study showed that being outdoors more often improved both physical and mental health. If someone is feeling upset, a few minutes outdoors can brighten them up instantly. Staying inside can be related to being in a cage. If animals are upset by being caged up, why shouldn't we? This is the importance of going outside and enjoying nature.
ReplyDeleteFor the larger part of human history, people lives were intertwined with that of other animals. However, since industrialization, human beings have become more isolated from the natural world. This month, American Chemical Society's semi-monthly journal Environmental Science & Technology released new findings that stated that just spending five minutes outside in nature, increases mental health. This amazing discovery could be a large potential benefit to individuals, society and to the costs of the health service if all groups of people were to self-medicate more by simply going outside and enjoying a quick stroll in a neighboring park.
ReplyDeleteScientists in the UK studied 1,252 people to see the health benefits of excercising in nature. Even though the different subjects varied in age, gender, and mental health status, the results were the same for each. Each test subject showed improved mental and physical health. Besides the general benefits of excercise, being in nature added something extra. By being in nature, people feel more calm and at peace and can appreciate the beauty nature has to offer.
ReplyDeleteFive minutes of exercise in the park, working in the backyard garden, or taking a walk on a nature trail will benefit your health, and not just your physical health but your mental health. Physical activity in areas were there are plants and trees decreases the risk of mental illness and improves the sense of comfort and welfare. Activities outside like walking, gardening, cycling, and boating have the greatest health changes in the young and mentally-ill people, while people of all ages, genders, and ethnicities benefited from the activities outside. All natural environments were beneficial counting parks in urban settings, it was found that green areas with water were even more beneficial. Incorporating physical, social, and then natural environments, into daily life were found to be effective if physical activity becomes an expected part of life.
ReplyDeleteRecently, scientists discovered that just five minutes in the outdoors can benefit a person's mental health. In a study involving 1252 people of different age, gender, and mental health status showed that spending time outside biking, hiking, gardening, fishing, boating, etc. improves not only physical but also mental health. The biggest changes occurred in young children and those with mental health problems. This is important because for the first time, scientists have been able to show that nature has positive effects on human health. The problem is, convincing Americans to spend that time exercising outside will be very, very difficult.
ReplyDeleteSpending time outdoors is very important to humans. It has been proven to be benificial to mental health. Doing a physical activity outside and around nature can improve a person's mood and sense of personal well-being. This study is called green exercise. There has been lots of evidence that activity in natural areas decrease the chance of mental illness. Not enough people in America exercise and most of those that do, work out in a gym or at home. It is strongly suggested that people make the choice to do something active outdoors.
ReplyDeleteAlicia R. 6*
Studies show a walk in the park is not only beneficial to physical health but to mental health. The calm, serene natural surroundings have a calming effect. Participants also gained self-esteem from exercise. The subjects varied in age and mental health. Experiencing nature greatly benefited the young and those with compromised mental health. Walks and other activities in nature help us appreciate our Earth and feel better.
ReplyDeleteExecercise is an extremely important part of everyone's everyday life. Excercise helps promote fitness and keep the human body active. This strengthens the body and also gives it a mental boost. For example jogging in the park near nature relaxes the mind and gives the mental side a better attitude. People who excersice live longer and are the most fit to survive.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside benefits many aspects of your health and body. Being outside on a walk can calm your mental state and also help your physical fitness. Studies also show that being outside can raise your self-esteem. By the test done being outdoors can have a positive impact on human beings.
ReplyDeleteWalking, or exercising, is very good for people both on the inside and the outside. Exercise makes the human body stronger and keeps it going. Walking in the park, where the trees are, will make a person more comfortable and it will also make them feel better about themselves. Exercise rejuvinates someone and gives them energy. As long as a person exercises daily, they will live a healthy life.
ReplyDeleteNature can provide people with better health, both physically and mentally. Activities associated with going outdoors, like biking, jogging, hiking, contribute to one's physical fitness. By going outside often, you are exposed to various germs that allow you to build an immunity to certain sicknesses. Furthermore, scientists have found that serene natural surrounding provide a calming effect. This helps relieve stress as well as other high-tension moods.
ReplyDeleteActivites in the nature, such as taking a walk, or being in an area that is surrounded by trees and plants will benefit a person's health. This also reduces the risk of mental illness or improves it. Activities in nature results in better mental and physical health according to studies in the United Kingdom. They observed certain activities in nature and although everybody benefited from them, the younger and mentally-ill were greatly benefited in health. Not only is health improved, self-esteem is improved too. These are the ways the environment outside helps people's lives improve.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside is important because we need to remain active in order to be a healthy organism.Along with burning calories, going outside can strengthen your attention spand and it can give you better memory.Taking a walk and being around nature will benefit your health, and not just your physical health but your mental health too.The biggest changes occurred in young children and those with mental health problems.
ReplyDeleteJael T 6th*
These days poeple don't get outside as much as poeple used too. Often people would run or walk outside for some excersize, these days people perfer to drive there car and waste money going to a gym. In this article Pretty beleives that just 5 minutes of green area outside in a park, backyard etc. will benefit anyone of all ages and gender. It will benefit them physically and mentally. Going outside will make us healthier all together. It decreases mentall-illnessess, but why don't more poeple go outside them if it is so beneficial? Well it's becuse they want to be apart of the crowd and since everyone these days have memberships to gyms and clubs they want to do the same thing, but what they don't realize is that running at the gym or getting a personal trainer is not better then talking a run outside.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside and excersizing is very important and improves both the physical and mental wellbeing of a person. Even as little time as 5 minutes a day can help. Scientists tested a group of people to see who benefitted from being outdoors and it was revealed that all of them benefitted from it, especially the young and mentally- ill.
ReplyDeleteBeing active by going outside, is can help you in many ways like physical fitness, mentally fit.The health effects are numerous and lack of exercise is being touted as one of the most significant factors in our burgeoning health care costs. The surgeon general is recommending at least 5 hours of physical activity each week, estimates are that 60% of us fall short of that minimum.Excercise helps promote fitness and keep the human body active.In the article, a study showed that being outdoors more often improved both physical and mental health.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside is good for both your body and mind. Study shows that five minutes of exercise anywhere in nature can boost mood and self-esteem. Doing something as simple as walking, gardening and fishing will benefit you in the sense of well-being and decrease the risk of mental illness.
ReplyDeleteBeing outside for just five minutes can improve ones health dramatically. It gives us mental boosts. In studies, it is shown that people who excercise often live longer and have better health throughout their lives. In another study, it was shown that walking in nature surroundings improved mental health. Instead of typical running, there is a lot of other exercise you can get from the outdoors. You can bike, garden, and hike. There are so many options. Green excercising has been proved to be very affective.
ReplyDeleteKirsten 6*
Exercise is beneficial to one's physical and mental health. Studies have show that the calm environments people experience when out exercising have a calming effect. People who exercise also gain self esteem and strengthen your memory and attention span. Jogging gives people cardiovascular exercise which is good for your heart and ensures a longer life.
ReplyDeleteYes going outside for either a jog or a hike will help you become physically fit, but new studies have shown that it also helps you become more mentally stable as well. Even just 5 min of being around that green nature can boost your positive emotions and decrease the risk of mental illnesses! Being around some sort of water is also a huge plus. Either way keeping up with postive work on your body and mind is somethig that can be achieved easily by only 5 minutes of your everyday!
ReplyDeleteGoing outside to exercise in nature or in the wild is a good way to improve youur health. This has been scientifically prooven; going into the wild can be very fun and can be healthy at the same time. Some activities that peole can do out in nature could be: playingsports, jogging, swimming, hiking, or being on a canoe. It all fits well and feels well when no technology or harmful things towards the envrionment are involve.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside and exercising can be beneficial for your health. It is good for your physical health and your mental health. It helps your mental health be increasing fitness. Studies have shown that spending time outside in ares with plants and animal lowers the chance of getting a mental illness and helps calm you down when you are relaxed.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside is very important because for one the sun provides natural vitamin c. Exercising is also very important because if you don't exercise you can develop diabetes if your over weight. Jogging around nature makes peace for your mind and the jog gives you a natural high feeling. People who workout and are healthy are going to most likely live the longest and be the most fit to survive.
ReplyDeleteSpending time outdoors, doing various activities, such as going for a walk or watering the plants, will benefit your health. Having to exercise is a very important part in our daily lives. For example, going for a run through different neighborhoods or through nature can keep you more fit and even mentally relaxed. We get a mental boost from outdoor activities, keeping us more aware of our surroundings and other forces in nature. The ones who exercise live longer and are the most-fitted to survive in our world.
ReplyDeleteGoing outside does more than give us a breath of fresh air. It benefits our mental health. Scientists discovered that green exercise, physical activity in nature, decreases the risk of mental illness and gives a sense of well-being. Activities like walking, gardening, cycling, fishing, boating, horse-riding and farming all help make physical and mental health improvements. Just five minutes can make a difference!
ReplyDeleteChloe F. 5
ReplyDeleteThe American Chemical Society's semi-monthly journal, Environmental Science & Technology, found out that just five minutes of exercise in a green space could improve your mood and assist your mental health. Scientific evidence proves that activity in natural environments improves one’s sense of well-being and reduces the risk of mental (psychological) sickness. In addition, green exercise (or physical activity in the presence of nature), leads to physical health enhancement. So get up and walk, bike, fish or garden in the great outdoors to improve both your physical and mental health.