This is the blog for Ms. Hero's Biology Class at Carlmont High School. Articles related to what we are studying in class will be posted with prompts for student response.
Monday, May 17, 2010
Ivory Trade
Read the following article about illegal wildlife trade. Asian ivory trade poses danger to African elephant. How does this relate to what we have done in class the last few weeks? What will happen if nothing is done? What are some things that you can do?
In many parts of Africa there are illegal black trades of ivory from elephants. This has dramatically effected the elephant population in Africa. There was sixty thousand living ten years ago in Kenya and now there is only about ten thousand left there. This illegal trade is the most lucrative ever and the government isn't doing much on it. They try to but all were failed attempts to capture anyone that was involved. Ivory tusks were being sent to Asia and many Chinese smugglers moved into Africa to hunt them. There was a way to find out the trade smugglers in Taiwan where they discoverd a DNA way to find where the tusks come from.
In places like Africa, personally I think that the people have a more close link with wildlife than someone in the u.s. Recentely however the Ivory trade shows us that people care more about money than the enviroment. The ivory trade is killing many elephants and the govrment doesn't do anything to stop it. This relates to class because recently we have watched a video about the traficking of parrots, not exactly an elephant but the illegal trade is still the same.
African elephants are being poached for their ivory tusks and sold in the black market for huge amounts of money. The illegal ivory trade is rising and so ivory is a very profitable trade. If nothing is done to help the situation, elephant populations will continue to rapidly decrease and they will eventually become extinct. The governments and police forces aren't able to do much to stop the poachers because of civil wars, so the poachers continue the trade, feeling that it is low-risk. This is related to the chain reactions activity we did in class and the news spot homework we have. We can help just by refusing to buy any ivory because it is illegal and probably traces back to the African black market of ivory.
Starting in Africa and travelling into Asia, the illegal trade of rare elephant tusks is as dangerous as ever. These ivory monstrosities come with a price tag of one hundred dollars per kilogram, making quite the profit for illegal smugglers. These priceless items are not easy to acquire, let alone legal. With an increasing demand, however, it doesn’t seem that poachers will stop anytime soon. Our efforts of placing bans on the hunting of these animals may be too little, too late. This means that by the year 2020, elephants could become extinct. With this few numbers of elephants left in the wild, it will be difficult for the species to ever make a comeback. This relates to what we have been learning about in class because it will send its whole ecosystem into a downward spiral. The absence of elephants will create a chain reaction and before long, the entire habitat will be affected.
The demand for ivory in Asia has been increasing. Over the past eight years, the price of ivory has gone up from $100 per 2.2 pounds to $1,800, which makes for a top dollar black market. If the trade doesn’t stop, elephants could become extinct. Sierra Leone has no more elephants as of December, and Senegal has fewer than ten left. In the Chinese city of Putian, businessmen collect ivory frequently, so they can bribe their clients into getting a job. In Kenya, poaching has killed 271 elephants, in last year alone. Poachers use guns, rusty metal snares and poison arrows it take down the elephants. The elephants in Africa have decreased by more than 600,000 in the last 40 years, because of poaching.
This specific topic relates back to the idea that humans are negatively affecting the environment and harming biodiversity. In search of money, trappers are killing elephants just for their expensive ivory tusks. Over the last decade, the illegal ivory trade has generated $264 million dollars, and the price for a kilogram of ivory has risen $1700. If not stopped, many experts predict that the ivory trade will cause elephants to be all but extict by 2020. This will drastically affect biodiversity in elephant-rich continents, like Africa. By refusing to buy ivory in the first place, humans can shut down the illegal trade business and help preserve these animals.
Elephants are intelligent creatures who have been hunted over the past centuries for their valuable tusks, which are sold for over $100 per kilogram in black markets in asia. With Asia's economical wealth, more people are now able to afford items that were once impossible to get, and one of those is ivory. Asian countries are trying to address the problem, but are unable to enforce any of the international and domestic laws. This problem has caused the rapid extinction of elephants in Africa by 2020, a mere ten years away. Each year 60,000 elephants are poached in Africa's unregulated lands. Without these keystone species, Africa's ecosystem will become unbalanced. Hopefully with current conservation effort, and stricter laws, this wont happen.
The illegal trade of elephant tusk is related to what we are learning about the black market. The elephants are being poached for the tusks. Because of the poaching we have lost 60,000 elephants since 2004. This has to do with what we are learning about the bird trade in Asia as well. If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they might go extinct. Some things that people can do is alert the public and make sure people know that there is a problem erupting.
I think that it is very wrong to slaughter an animal just for one part of its body, and just waste the remaining parts. It is a waste of animals and it is getting some animals into the endangered species list. Or just killing off all the animals all and all. These illegal traders are killing off most of the endangered species in their area, leaving the rest of the country scrambling for precious resources. There is a petition going around on the internet to stop the Ivory Trade. (I will include the URL at the bottom of this comment) The petition has great potential to suspending or getting rid of the Ivory Trade.
Because the price of Ivory has gone up 18 times what it used to be, the black market for ivory is booming. The illegal market for the material is almost 100 times greater than the legal market. Because it is difficult to completely regulate this trade, the dealers normally get away with it. Unfortunately, elephants are disappearing at an astounding rate, and it is predicted than they will be just about extinct in 2020 if nothing is done. Because elephants are so important to many other animals in Africa, the loss of the elephants could bring disaster to the entire region.
This specific topic relates back to the idea that humans are negatively affecting the environment and harming biodiversity.If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they will go extinct.These illegal traders are killing off most of the endangered species in their area, leaving the rest of the country scrambling for precious resources.By refusing to buy ivory in the first place, humans can shut down the illegal trade business and help preserve these animals.
This article is about how we are increasing the extinction rates of animals. Ivory poachers are causing a huge decrease in the elephant population. In 1960 Tsavo National Park had around 50,000 elephants, but that number has dropped to 11,000 today. This decrease is mainly because of the illegal ivory trade. Some experts think that elephants could almost be extinct by 2020.
This topic relates to humans destroying biodiversity and causing harm to the environment. This will cause elephants to go extinct in 2020, ten more years away for us. What we can do to help elephants are to shut down the illegal trading businesses. This way, elephants will be preserved and kept off from harm. Most people, instead of scrambling for resources, are killing endangered species in order to earn their quality needs.
The demand for ivory in Asia has been increasing every year. It is illegal to sell ivory because it comes from elephants in Africa. Poachers kill lots of elephants in Africa. This is causing a problem because the elephants are becoming endangered. Local tribes kill elephants with poison arrows and stop rangers and even shoot them. Ivory makes the tribes rich. People in China do not know the source of the ivory. They just sell is knowing they could be in great trouble if they ever got caught.
The wildlife trade, the illegal trade of endangered species and their products has made many species extinct. Now, endangered Asian Elephants are hunted for their ivory-sold at up to $1,800 per kilogram. This has created a black market trade-and the demand keeps growing. If the trade does not stop the elephants will be extinct by 2020. The wildlife trade leads to the extinction of many species and loss of biodiversity.
Ivory has gone up in price over the years because of the elephant population declining. Humans are mainly to cause because of the poaching and illegal trade. By 2020 if we don't stop this our wonderful creatures will die out. These poachers may or may not know it, but they are making terrible decisions. Because so many animals are dependent on each other it would be a shame to see elephants go extinct.
Illegal trade of elephant tusk used for the ivory is related to what we are learning about in the black marketing. The elephants are being hunted for the tusks. Because of the poaching we have lost more than 60,000 elephants since 2004. This has to do with what we are learning about in south America as well because its going to cause extinction. If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they will go extinct in the wild. Some things that people can do is alert the public and make sure people know that there is a problem.
This relates to what we have done in class because we watched wideos about animals in the wild that are being hunted to sell in the pet trade. If nothing is done, this poor animal could lose much of the population and eventually become extinct. Ivory should not be up to sell during the pet trade. They should be kept where they belong which is on the elephants. As a group, we have to send a positive and effective message to Africa and Asia about the illegal pet trade.
This relates back to what we are learning in class because we are learning about endangered species being killed and their parts sold for a lot of money. Elephant Tusks can be worth 17,000 dollars. We have lost 60,000 elephants since 2004 due to this illegal activity. If nothing is done to prevent this illegal trading, the elephant species will be put at risk to becoming an extinct species. Humans need to stop doing this. Animals need to be left alone. They need to be in their own habitat and safe.
Due to poaching of elephant tusk for ivory it has made eleaphant population dramatically drop. In the article they said that by 2020 elephants will be extinct completely if nothing is done about the poaching of there tusks. This relates to what we are doing in class because we are learning about how the effects of global warming is contributing to climate change which makes a lot of these animals such as birds migrate at different times. This messes up the yearly routine. What I can do to help this problem is not use ivory and use something eles in substitute to it.
Chinese ivory dealers are killing many elephants to make ivory out of their trunks. If this is continued, experts say that elephants populations may drop instantly. This relates to what we learned in the past couple of weeks because we have been learning about endangered species and elephants are now endangered species. We also learned why certain animals are endangered and the main cause is because of human killings. These elephants are being killed by humans and that is why they are now endangered. If nothing is done, many animals will go extinct. Some things that i could do to help, is to not buy any animal products.
The elephant population is in danger in Asia, as their tusks are being sold for as much as one hundred dollars per kilogram on the black market. The demand for the animal tusks is increasing and is 100 times greater on the black market than legally. Elephants are at a great risk of extinction, as early as 2020! The poachers killing these elephants cannot be stopped, because they are not able to enforce any of the international and domestic laws. The extinction of the elephants will negatively offset the ecosystem and will lead to problems with the biodiversity within.
The illegal ivory trade in China poses a huge threat to the elephants of Africa. This article relates to our studies on illegal animal trade because it is a perfect example of how the human race is destroying animal species by their own desires. In China, businessman use these tusks to impress important clients and more easily seal an important deal. If this trade continues the African Elephants will slowly disappear and eventually become extinct. As a student there is not much I can really do but educate people and tell them about this illegal trade. If people know about it they are morel likely to try and help the animals and stop the illegal trade.
The elephant population has decreased over the years, if has dropped by more than 600,000 over the past 40 years, mostly due to poaching. In Asia, the elephants' tusks are rare and very expensive. This illegal trade through the black market is causing the deaths of many elephants. This relates to what we have been learning in our ecology unit because we are learning about endangered species, illegal trade, poaching, etc. We also learned how that when endangered species become extinct, they have a major impact on the ecosystem and all of the other animals in the food chain and biodiversity.
parts of Africa there are illegal black trades of ivory from elephants. This has dramatically effected the elephant population in Africa. Poachers kill lots of elephants in Africa. This is causing a problem because the elephants are becoming endangered. Local tribes kill elephants with poison arrows. This has created a black market trade-and the demand keeps growing. If the trade does not stop the elephants will be extinct
In many parts of Africa there are illegal black trades of ivory from elephants. This has dramatically effected the elephant population in Africa. There was sixty thousand living ten years ago in Kenya and now there is only about ten thousand left there. This illegal trade is the most lucrative ever and the government isn't doing much on it. They try to but all were failed attempts to capture anyone that was involved. Ivory tusks were being sent to Asia and many Chinese smugglers moved into Africa to hunt them. There was a way to find out the trade smugglers in Taiwan where they discoverd a DNA way to find where the tusks come from.
ReplyDeleteIn places like Africa, personally I think that the people have a more close link with wildlife than someone in the u.s. Recentely however the Ivory trade shows us that people care more about money than the enviroment. The ivory trade is killing many elephants and the govrment doesn't do anything to stop it. This relates to class because recently we have watched a video about the traficking of parrots, not exactly an elephant but the illegal trade is still the same.
ReplyDeleteAfrican elephants are being poached for their ivory tusks and sold in the black market for huge amounts of money. The illegal ivory trade is rising and so ivory is a very profitable trade. If nothing is done to help the situation, elephant populations will continue to rapidly decrease and they will eventually become extinct. The governments and police forces aren't able to do much to stop the poachers because of civil wars, so the poachers continue the trade, feeling that it is low-risk. This is related to the chain reactions activity we did in class and the news spot homework we have. We can help just by refusing to buy any ivory because it is illegal and probably traces back to the African black market of ivory.
ReplyDeleteStarting in Africa and travelling into Asia, the illegal trade of rare elephant tusks is as dangerous as ever. These ivory monstrosities come with a price tag of one hundred dollars per kilogram, making quite the profit for illegal smugglers. These priceless items are not easy to acquire, let alone legal. With an increasing demand, however, it doesn’t seem that poachers will stop anytime soon. Our efforts of placing bans on the hunting of these animals may be too little, too late. This means that by the year 2020, elephants could become extinct. With this few numbers of elephants left in the wild, it will be difficult for the species to ever make a comeback. This relates to what we have been learning about in class because it will send its whole ecosystem into a downward spiral. The absence of elephants will create a chain reaction and before long, the entire habitat will be affected.
ReplyDeleteThe demand for ivory in Asia has been increasing. Over the past eight years, the price of ivory has gone up from $100 per 2.2 pounds to $1,800, which makes for a top dollar black market. If the trade doesn’t stop, elephants could become extinct. Sierra Leone has no more elephants as of December, and Senegal has fewer than ten left. In the Chinese city of Putian, businessmen collect ivory frequently, so they can bribe their clients into getting a job. In Kenya, poaching has killed 271 elephants, in last year alone. Poachers use guns, rusty metal snares and poison arrows it take down the elephants. The elephants in Africa have decreased by more than 600,000 in the last 40 years, because of poaching.
ReplyDeleteThis specific topic relates back to the idea that humans are negatively affecting the environment and harming biodiversity. In search of money, trappers are killing elephants just for their expensive ivory tusks. Over the last decade, the illegal ivory trade has generated $264 million dollars, and the price for a kilogram of ivory has risen $1700. If not stopped, many experts predict that the ivory trade will cause elephants to be all but extict by 2020. This will drastically affect biodiversity in elephant-rich continents, like Africa. By refusing to buy ivory in the first place, humans can shut down the illegal trade business and help preserve these animals.
ReplyDeleteElephants are intelligent creatures who have been hunted over the past centuries for their valuable tusks, which are sold for over $100 per kilogram in black markets in asia. With Asia's economical wealth, more people are now able to afford items that were once impossible to get, and one of those is ivory. Asian countries are trying to address the problem, but are unable to enforce any of the international and domestic laws. This problem has caused the rapid extinction of elephants in Africa by 2020, a mere ten years away. Each year 60,000 elephants are poached in Africa's unregulated lands. Without these keystone species, Africa's ecosystem will become unbalanced. Hopefully with current conservation effort, and stricter laws, this wont happen.
ReplyDeleteThe illegal trade of elephant tusk is related to what we are learning about the black market. The elephants are being poached for the tusks. Because of the poaching we have lost 60,000 elephants since 2004. This has to do with what we are learning about the bird trade in Asia as well. If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they might go extinct. Some things that people can do is alert the public and make sure people know that there is a problem erupting.
ReplyDeleteI think that it is very wrong to slaughter an animal just for one part of its body, and just waste the remaining parts. It is a waste of animals and it is getting some animals into the endangered species list. Or just killing off all the animals all and all. These illegal traders are killing off most of the endangered species in their area, leaving the rest of the country scrambling for precious resources. There is a petition going around on the internet to stop the Ivory Trade. (I will include the URL at the bottom of this comment) The petition has great potential to suspending or getting rid of the Ivory Trade.
Because the price of Ivory has gone up 18 times what it used to be, the black market for ivory is booming. The illegal market for the material is almost 100 times greater than the legal market. Because it is difficult to completely regulate this trade, the dealers normally get away with it. Unfortunately, elephants are disappearing at an astounding rate, and it is predicted than they will be just about extinct in 2020 if nothing is done. Because elephants are so important to many other animals in Africa, the loss of the elephants could bring disaster to the entire region.
ReplyDeleteThis specific topic relates back to the idea that humans are negatively affecting the environment and harming biodiversity.If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they will go extinct.These illegal traders are killing off most of the endangered species in their area, leaving the rest of the country scrambling for precious resources.By refusing to buy ivory in the first place, humans can shut down the illegal trade business and help preserve these animals.
ReplyDeleteJael 6*
This article is about how we are increasing the extinction rates of animals. Ivory poachers are causing a huge decrease in the elephant population. In 1960 Tsavo National Park had around 50,000 elephants, but that number has dropped to 11,000 today. This decrease is mainly because of the illegal ivory trade. Some experts think that elephants could almost be extinct by 2020.
ReplyDeleteThis topic relates to humans destroying biodiversity and causing harm to the environment. This will cause elephants to go extinct in 2020, ten more years away for us. What we can do to help elephants are to shut down the illegal trading businesses. This way, elephants will be preserved and kept off from harm. Most people, instead of scrambling for resources, are killing endangered species in order to earn their quality needs.
ReplyDeleteThe demand for ivory in Asia has been increasing every year. It is illegal to sell ivory because it comes from elephants in Africa. Poachers kill lots of elephants in Africa. This is causing a problem because the elephants are becoming endangered. Local tribes kill elephants with poison arrows and stop rangers and even shoot them. Ivory makes the tribes rich. People in China do not know the source of the ivory. They just sell is knowing they could be in great trouble if they ever got caught.
ReplyDeleteThe wildlife trade, the illegal trade of endangered species and their products has made many species extinct. Now, endangered Asian Elephants are hunted for their ivory-sold at up to $1,800 per kilogram. This has created a black market trade-and the demand keeps growing. If the trade does not stop the elephants will be extinct by 2020. The wildlife trade leads to the extinction of many species and loss of biodiversity.
ReplyDeleteIvory has gone up in price over the years because of the elephant population declining. Humans are mainly to cause because of the poaching and illegal trade. By 2020 if we don't stop this our wonderful creatures will die out. These poachers may or may not know it, but they are making terrible decisions. Because so many animals are dependent on each other it would be a shame to see elephants go extinct.
ReplyDeleteIllegal trade of elephant tusk used for the ivory is related to what we are learning about in the black marketing. The elephants are being hunted for the tusks. Because of the poaching we have lost more than 60,000 elephants since 2004. This has to do with what we are learning about in south America as well because its going to cause extinction. If nothing is done to help the elephants then by 2020 they will go extinct in the wild. Some things that people can do is alert the public and make sure people know that there is a problem.
ReplyDeleteThis relates to what we have done in class because we watched wideos about animals in the wild that are being hunted to sell in the pet trade. If nothing is done, this poor animal could lose much of the population and eventually become extinct. Ivory should not be up to sell during the pet trade. They should be kept where they belong which is on the elephants. As a group, we have to send a positive and effective message to Africa and Asia about the illegal pet trade.
ReplyDeleteThis relates back to what we are learning in class because we are learning about endangered species being killed and their parts sold for a lot of money. Elephant Tusks can be worth 17,000 dollars. We have lost 60,000 elephants since 2004 due to this illegal activity. If nothing is done to prevent this illegal trading, the elephant species will be put at risk to becoming an extinct species. Humans need to stop doing this. Animals need to be left alone. They need to be in their own habitat and safe.
ReplyDeleteKirsten 6*
Due to poaching of elephant tusk for ivory it has made eleaphant population dramatically drop. In the article they said that by 2020 elephants will be extinct completely if nothing is done about the poaching of there tusks. This relates to what we are doing in class because we are learning about how the effects of global warming is contributing to climate change which makes a lot of these animals such as birds migrate at different times. This messes up the yearly routine. What I can do to help this problem is not use ivory and use something eles in substitute to it.
ReplyDeleteChinese ivory dealers are killing many elephants to make ivory out of their trunks. If this is continued, experts say that elephants populations may drop instantly. This relates to what we learned in the past couple of weeks because we have been learning about endangered species and elephants are now endangered species. We also learned why certain animals are endangered and the main cause is because of human killings. These elephants are being killed by humans and that is why they are now endangered. If nothing is done, many animals will go extinct. Some things that i could do to help, is to not buy any animal products.
ReplyDeleteThe elephant population is in danger in Asia, as their tusks are being sold for as much as one hundred dollars per kilogram on the black market. The demand for the animal tusks is increasing and is 100 times greater on the black market than legally. Elephants are at a great risk of extinction, as early as 2020! The poachers killing these elephants cannot be stopped, because they are not able to enforce any of the international and domestic laws. The extinction of the elephants will negatively offset the ecosystem and will lead to problems with the biodiversity within.
ReplyDeleteThe illegal ivory trade in China poses a huge threat to the elephants of Africa. This article relates to our studies on illegal animal trade because it is a perfect example of how the human race is destroying animal species by their own desires. In China, businessman use these tusks to impress important clients and more easily seal an important deal. If this trade continues the African Elephants will slowly disappear and eventually become extinct. As a student there is not much I can really do but educate people and tell them about this illegal trade. If people know about it they are morel likely to try and help the animals and stop the illegal trade.
ReplyDeleteThe elephant population has decreased over the years, if has dropped by more than 600,000 over the past 40 years, mostly due to poaching. In Asia, the elephants' tusks are rare and very expensive. This illegal trade through the black market is causing the deaths of many elephants. This relates to what we have been learning in our ecology unit because we are learning about endangered species, illegal trade, poaching, etc. We also learned how that when endangered species become extinct, they have a major impact on the ecosystem and all of the other animals in the food chain and biodiversity.
ReplyDeleteparts of Africa there are illegal black trades of ivory from elephants. This has dramatically effected the elephant population in Africa. Poachers kill lots of elephants in Africa. This is causing a problem because the elephants are becoming endangered. Local tribes kill elephants with poison arrows. This has created a black market trade-and the demand keeps growing. If the trade does not stop the elephants will be extinct