This is the blog for Ms. Hero's Biology Class at Carlmont High School. Articles related to what we are studying in class will be posted with prompts for student response.
A geneticaly modified organism is a plant or animal that's genes have been changed. Scientists figure out which genes to change in order to code for a different trait, and when they do so the organism that results is a modified version of the original one. The scientists from the story are changing pigs so that they have good protein and fat content in them, but also so that their waste is less damaging to the environment. This could be good, because pig excrement is bad for the atmosphere, and there is lots of it polluting the air on pig farms. However, scientist are not yet sure of its effect on human beings and we won't be able to know for a long time because no one has tried it yet. Also, genetically modifying food is a slippery slope, and can lead to disasters such as the one that occurred for farmers in the video we watched on Thursday. This article made me think about whether or not I agree with genetically modifying food, and under what circumstances it can be okay or even beneficial. It also related to what we are learning, because we watched the video on genetically modified food last week, and this was a good continuation of that topic.
This article is explaining how scientists are trying to make Enviropig like yorkshore pig they have fat and protien.The scientists want different kinds of pigs for the enviorment because some pigs cause pollutons.Also all meat that come from factories are damaging and their intermidate and not so they are trying to make better meat for the people with not so much fat and harmful things in them.Thats what the article is trying to say.i think thats it good that scientists are trying to make meat better for hte world so there wont be any disease spreading around just because of of bad meat stuff.thats what i learned. This article is about how scientists in Canada are making eco-friendly pigs. The thing that makes the pigs eco-friendly is the manuare they produce doesn't make as much methane and other gases that can cause global warming. Some people don't want these green pigs around. They think it is better to have organic food rather than genetically altered food. However, some people support the green pigs because global warming is a big issue and this will help make it less of an issue. There is also the question of if the pigs are ok to eat. The FDA is testing the pig meat to see if it is unhealthy or if it causes disease.
Enviropig is a genetically engineered pig that is green and more sustainable. The waste that is omitted from this pig has less gases. The gases that usually come from the waste are harmful to the environment. Enviropig seems like a great thing, but in reality it is very controversial. Organics and scientists have been having a running battle over the topic of genetically engineered food. The FDA has been on the fence on the topic. This relates to our topic in class of genetics and DNA.
A genetically modified organism, or GMO, is an organism whose genetic material has been altered. In the article, scientists have created a "new species" called the enviropig. The enviropig holds the same quality of meat as a typical Yorkshire pig, but is engineered to produce less toxic manure. This means that fewer pollutants are released into the atmosphere---CON. However, a negative factor is the uncertainty of relying on genetically modified foods that could possibly be harmful towards our health.
A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genes have been altered by using genetic engineering techniques. The scientists have figured out how to make the manure less toxic. It has the same meat quality, protein, and fat, only its manure releases fewer pollutants into the atomosphere. This makes it a more environmentally sustainable option for pig farmers. But, the fact that it has been genetically modified, it must be safe for humans to eat. It can affect out health and possbily in the future a bigger mutation to the pig and one in humans if eaten. Relying on genetically modified foods could end in a consequence for our health, and the health of our global agricultural structure.
A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered by using genetic engineering. This process is a new development that is used to help people's concerns about the enviroment.The genetic modifications scientists made about pigs are that their is a huge amount of waste produced by a large number of livestock, this adds up to alot of methane and gases realeased into the atmosphere, which contributes to global climate change. The good thing is that the enviropig is better for the future food demand, and enviromental concerns. The bad thing is that if the genetic modified foods don't pass the benchmark,then it may fail.
In my biology class I am learning about genes and genetic code. In the article I read scientists in Canada have come up with a new breed of pig that is a more sustainable food. This pig is the same quality of meat but is greener for the environment. This pig has all the same protein and fat as a normal pig, but also produces less toxic manure and releases fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. The large livestock of pigs release methane gas that changes the global climate. The FDA has not made this pig legal for human consumption yet. The FDA is not fond of the genetically modified foods as can be seen in their indecision on approving genetically modified salmon.
A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered in order to create more substantial ways to do things, such as raising livestock. Scientists are making genetic modifications to pigs in order to make their meat greener. Although the meat has the same protein and fat as a normal pig, it is better for the environment because of the waste. Normally, pigs’ waste contains a lot of chemicals and gases that are released, which is bad for both the Earth and the farmers who take care of the pigs. These genetically modified organisms, however, are supposed to produce fewer wastes that give off less pollutants. The good thing about these pigs is that they are helping the atmosphere stay clean and full of less gases and chemicals. However, there are some bad things about them. One of them is that we don’t know if the genetically modified food is good or bad for us to eat because it has not been tested. Safety organizations are still looking at it and until then, we don’t know if these pigs are good or bad.
Genetically modified organisms are when organisms' genes are tampered with. The scientists creating the pigs modified the pigs to have less toxic manure. The modifications are also supposed to made better proteins and fats from the pigs. The genetically modified pigs cause to have not as many or bad methane gases, which is better for the environment. The pigs also might cause diseases or unhealthy problems from eating these pigs, The FDA needs to check the pigs. This relates to what we are learning because we are learning about genes and mutations that cause harmful or helpful effects. It also relates to what we are learning because we watched a video on companies genetically modifying plants.
I must agree that any sort of genetically altered animal, especially mention for consumption, hasn't had the proper tests. But, I aalso agree that livestock are emitting dangerous gases the could destroy our ozone. This can relate to the video we watched in class about genetically altered plants. Not only were they expensive they also posed legal problems. Overall I think, save the earth eat a pork chop.
Genetically modified organisms are when an something's genetic information is changed through genetic engineering techniques. Scientists are modifying the pigs to make their manure less pollutant therefore making large-scale pig farmers less pollutant to their environment. I cannot think of any strong pros that would make this acceptable, I think it is strange and unnecessary to have to genetically modify a pig so its natural processes are more environmentally friendly. I also think that these pigs should not be allowed to be consumed because of the chemicals they are made up of are most likely unsafe and unhealthy for humans. I don't understand the reasoning behind genetically modifying any living organism.
In the article, the author described attempts to genetically create a more environmentally friendly pig. This is very relevant to our recent studies on genetically modified organisms. These organisms have their genetic code modified by genetic engineers in attempts to improve them or give them desirable traits. Specifically, scientists are making genetic modifications to the pigs to produce less toxic manure, and therefore to become more "green." This may sound like a good idea on the face of it, because anything that lessens the amount of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere is generally regarded as a good thing. However, genetically modified organisms such as these pigs may not be completely safe to eat. They are still under review by the FDA and may not be approved. In addition, non-genetically modified organisms provide a more stable agricultural basis that are tried and true. Thus, while GMOs do have many beneficial effects, they may also have as yet uncovered negative effects that may harm us or the agricultural system that we have.
This article is about how scientists are trying to genetically modify pigs to make them more environmentally friendly. When you genetically modify something, you are switching it's genes with a certain trait. Scientists are doing this so that the pig's traits will be more beneficial to the environment. The waste that pigs produce is very harmful and pollutes the air. When genetically modified, these traits would not hurt the air as much. The pigs may not be safe to eat afterwards because not many people have tried it. It is still being approved by the FDA.
A genetically modified organism is an organism that has been altered to be made either better or differently. This article discusses the idea of essentially making a 'green' pig. The idea is that it will be the same as regular pigs, but by genetically engineering it, it will produce less toxic manures that realease toxic chemicals into the environment. Most of the meat today comes from factory farms which release gasses such as methane from the manure of the animals which is a factor in the depletion of our o-zone layer. Though, the enviropigs sound like a great idea, some people are skeptical about the them, for they are unsure if the meat is safe to eat. It has yet to be tried for it is still under consideration of the FDA.
In the article, we learn about a breed of genetically modified pigs. They are referred to as "enviropigs". These pigs, if they can still be called such, are more environmentally friendly in the sense that their feces isn't as toxic. However, like most other GMOs, these pigs may not be safe to eat. In biology class, we've been learning about genetic code and how it affects an organism's characteristics. The knowledge of DNA helped me better understand the article.
A genetically modified organism, or GMO for short, is an organism that has had its genes intermixed with genes that would help the mixer in one way or another, whether it helps the organism do something amazing, or it makes it more sustainable in the mixer's diet. Scientists are using genetic modifications on little pigs to have the same meat quality as a regular Yorkshire pig, with the ideal fat and protein content developed. But, it will also produce less toxic waste that lets fewer amounts of pollutants into the air, therefore making it a fine enough environment to make larger scale pigs. Even though that may be the case, it does not excuse it for the bad things that it does. These scientists could be using there time efficiently to find another way to make our food more sustainable, but instead are making pigs that are still under review of the FDA, which has been going on since 1999. While there are easier ways to raise livestock, most of the meat found on the market today comes from large factories that are damaging the environments on our planet.
This article is about genetically modified organisms. A genetically modified organism is an animal or plant that genes have been changed to create something new. Scientists are doing this to pigs. The scientist are changing pigs so that they have good fats and proteins. Another thing that they are doing is making it so pigs have less waste, because it is better for the environment. The pros are that this would be better for the environment. Some cons would be that people don’t know what type of effect this would have on humans when we eat them. Personally I think that doing this to pigs isn’t right. I think we should leave them how they are.
The genetically modified organisms, also known as GMO, are modified organisms. In this article, the the Enviropig is to have the same taste as regular pigs,but saves more green in this world. As well, it is engineered to be less toxic and non-harmful. The FDA is now making decisions on the Enviropig, leaving the scientists sleepless.
In this article the scientist is attemptng to make a pig that is better for the enviorment. This has to do with what we are leaning about becuase we have been studying gentically modified organisms. We have also been studying about genes. Scientist are making pigs produce less harmful manure so less greenhouse gasses will enter the atmosphere. The problem with this we are not sure if these pigs are safe to eat. The FDA is reviewing the idea.
An organism that is genetically modified means that scientists have altered their genetic code to give them different, more desirable characteristics. Scientists are genetically modifying pigs to produce less toxic manure and have more ideal fat and protein percentages. The pros of doing this is that the manure will release less methane gas and other pollutants that contributes to global warming and harms us and our environment. The pigs will also meet our future food demands. Some cons are that we don't know how altering the genes of an animal will affect us in the future. We don't know how it will affect the environment and other animals and the FDA also doesn't know whether these pigs are safe to eat.
In this article it tells of a geneticly engineered pig and how it can make the manure less toxic and making the meat more sustainable. also it makes it greener! (green eggs and ham :)) scientists are trying to geneticly engineer plants and animals togethor to make safer food for people. the process is being determined by the FDA to say if its safe to eat or not. though this story relates to the sea slug this is forced genetic adaptation andwe are the ones eating it. unlike the pigs sea slug copied DNA it wanted not what we wanted and we dont eat sea slugs.overall i think this article was very interesting and that they should study more on changing other things instead of pigs
A genetically modified organism is an organism thats genetic material has been altered or modified. Scientists have been working on genitically modifying pigs to create less toxic manure. This will be helpful to the environment. A pro would be that less polutants would be released into the air. A con would be that we don't know if the genetically modified food would be healthy for us to eat.
A genetically modified organism is an organism in which its genes are altered. Scientists in Canada are making such changes to pigs, by creating the Enviropig. These scientists change the genes of the pigs so that the manure produced by the pigs releases less pollutants. The advantages to this are that the environment is less harmed and there are reduced amounts of released gases that contribute to the global climate change. The disadvantage is that genetically modified foods might harm our health, and the FDA is currently working to determine whether the meat of the Enviropig is safe for humans to eat.
In the article "Can Genetic Engineering Make Meat a More Sustainable Food?" by Ellen Sabina talks about how scientist in Canada have now created a new type of breed, a pig breed that has the same basic proteins and fats that are in the same meat as the Yorkshire pig, a type of breed in the pig species. The new breed that the Canadian scientist have developed has a certain change to it, it is more "Green" meaning more environment friendly. It is engineered to produce less toxic manure that releases fewer pollutants into the atmosphere, thereby making it a more environmentally sustainable option for large scale pig farmers. This idea could fit some people, but not all. In my opinion I personally like to eat normal meat without any genetic altering or change in the DNA, because some people might feel like their eating something that isn't organically made by nature. On the other side of view this could actually be a positive thing because now our planet is on a danger of global warming. Humans have developed different kind of technology that could prevent this such calamity, and this new breed could keep the methane gas levels lower in the air.
A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genes have been altered. In this article, genetic modification plays a big role. Scientists are genetically modifying pigs so they can be healthier for the environment. The waste a pig and the meat production leave releases harmful gases, so scientists want to prevent those gases from entering the atmosphere by genetically modifying pigs. This situation has some pros and some cons. First of all, it's good, because, obviously, it helps the environment we live in, and can change the future in food production if it proves successful. However, there are some drawbacks. The FDA is still observing the food to see if it is healthy to eat. Eating genetically modified organisms may cause health problems for humans, so, although it may benefit the environment, it may not towards humans. It may also affect who we rely on if eating GMOs is healthy. Our agricultural system would definitely change if we started relying on GMOs.
Genetically modified organisms are organisms that has adjusted genetic material. The article talks about how scientists have came up with a "new species." They named it the enviropig. The enviropig provides the same quality of meat as our typical Yorkshire pig. But in contrast from the Yorkshire pig, it is created to produce less toxic manure. This leads to less polution to our environment, which is a con. But on the other hand, this "new species" needs genetically modified foods that can harm our human body when we eat the pig.
The genetic modification of organisms is a very controversial topic. The idea behind genetic modification is to alter specific traits of an organism to provide a more suitable agricultural product. One example is the modification of a pig to create a more eco-friendly waste product. Although this could potentially revolutionalize agriculture, it is still a very controversial topic. Many people consider genetically modified organisms unnatural and therefore unsafe to eat. Some people feel that a lot could go wrong when tampering with nature. Whether or not consumption of genetically modified organisms will be legalized in the near future, there is no doubt that it holds the potentional to change the agricultural industry.
A GMO or a Genetically Modified Organism is an organism who's DNA has been altered or modified. The scientists are changing this pigs to make them better. They engineered the Enviropig so that it has the ideal fat and protein content. They are also engineered so that their waste isn't so toxic and that it doesn't release so much methane and other gasses that harm the environment, especially form big meat companies that have livestock. This definitely has its positive and negative sides. Some positives are that the pigs don't produce the harmful gasses and that they have good advantages for companies that produce livestock. Some negatives are that the meat isn't exactly organic and that it hasn't been approved by the FDA.
This article says that some pigs cause pollution. Scientists think that using different types of pigs will decrease that pollution. they even want to genetically create a more environmentally friendly pig.The scientists have made modifications to the pigs to reduce toxic manure.This is very risky and could be a disaster to our atmosphere. I myself think that this could not work and is a wast of money. I hope that these experiments don't cause any harm to our atmosphere.
So as most of us know, people consume pigs. yes folks they eat them. It used to be "back in the day" that a person could take a pig off the ol' farm kill it cook it and eat it. However the health nuts of the world said 'wait! that pig meat doesn't have all the appropriate proteins' and the markets of our consumer based society were perfectly fine with that because on average in todays world people will go for the "its better for you" product. So, people presumably scientists began to find ways of infusing all the "appropriate" proteins into the pig meat. Then came along scientists who got all high and mighty and said 'Wait! what if we could find a way to infuse the proteins into the pig before its killed oh! oh! and because of all that talk about global warming lets make it have a green..... digestive system!!" Then they began to take the poor pigs and genetically engineer them. For all of you who don't know what genetic engineering is, its when scientist change and animal or plants genes from what they naturally were. Now not everyone is very appreciative of what is being done to the pigs. First off the "all natural" animal provides a much better and exceedingly more stable basis for agriculture. Also there are many people against it because or moral reasons. Not everyone believes that genetic modification is humane nor do these people want to eat something that has been modified specifically when it was perfectly fine just the way it was. Having said this there are many people who believe in the pros of the experiment.In reality what they are trying to do, isn't all that bad. you know going green, saving the world and all that jazz its just the way they are going about it's kinda gross and is shows just how far science has disconnected itself from the human aspects. Personally I say let the pigs alone, they have never done anything to anyone. I mean its bad enough that their kept in slaughterhouses and are only born to be killed, you shouldn't go adding experimenting on to the list. Pigs may just be pigs but they're living and breathing just like you and me. I mean if you want to save the world go get rid of plastic bags, go reduce waste. Don't mess with six billion years of evolution.
This article is about a moral dilemma pig farmers must face: health or environment. Scientists are turning normal pigs into genetically modified organisms, or life that's DNA has been tampered with by scientists. These scientist made a 'green pig' that does not have toxic matter in it's manure, making the environment better. The FDA is currently consulting this case as well as many other cases with GMOs. Genetically modified organisms can make food easier or more efficient to grow, taste better, or, in this case, more environmentally friendly. However, some GMOs could cause health issues that scientists can't currently predict. This issue is a tough call between health and the environment.
A genetically modified organism is a plant or animal who's genes have been altered in one way or another. Your genes code for your traits, and by altering a specific trait, you get a change in that original feature. The lasting effects of this can either be positive or negative. The article which pertains to scientist altering the genes(traits) of pigs, want the pigs to have a nice amount of protein and fat, and want their waste to be less harmful to the environment. These special pigs have not been released as yet and will not be for quite a while, for we want to make absolutely sure that the pigs are ok to eat. I personally would not eat such pigs. I find genetic modification, pertaining to food, wrong. It goes against nature and its just plain wrong. Who cares if the pig doesn't have enough fat on it! I find it disgusting and would never put something like that into my body.
The article "Green Pig" describes an attempt that is trying to create a pig that could be eco friendly. This is what we have been studying because its part of the geneticaly altered orginisms. They are trying to put in traits that are desirerable for themselves. Basically pigs pigs produce manure that is toxic and what they are doing ot these pigs will decrease the amount of toxicity. However there is some contervercy on weather or not they are saf to eat. Because of the genetically modified orginisms they could have a negative effect on us if we eat them. It is under review but they want to let everyone know that unmodified are the best to eat but not nessisrily green.
A geneticaly modified organism is a plant or animal that's genes have been changed. Scientists figure out which genes to change in order to code for a different trait, and when they do so the organism that results is a modified version of the original one. The scientists from the story are changing pigs so that they have good protein and fat content in them, but also so that their waste is less damaging to the environment. This could be good, because pig excrement is bad for the atmosphere, and there is lots of it polluting the air on pig farms. However, scientist are not yet sure of its effect on human beings and we won't be able to know for a long time because no one has tried it yet. Also, genetically modifying food is a slippery slope, and can lead to disasters such as the one that occurred for farmers in the video we watched on Thursday. This article made me think about whether or not I agree with genetically modifying food, and under what circumstances it can be okay or even beneficial. It also related to what we are learning, because we watched the video on genetically modified food last week, and this was a good continuation of that topic.
ReplyDeleteThis article is explaining how scientists are trying to make Enviropig like yorkshore pig they have fat and protien.The scientists want different kinds of pigs for the enviorment because some pigs cause pollutons.Also all meat that come from factories are damaging and their intermidate and not so they are trying to make better meat for the people with not so much fat and harmful things in them.Thats what the article is trying to say.i think thats it good that scientists are trying to make meat better for hte world so there wont be any disease spreading around just because of of bad meat stuff.thats what i learned.
ReplyDelete This article is about how scientists in Canada are making eco-friendly pigs. The thing that makes the pigs eco-friendly is the manuare they produce doesn't make as much methane and other gases that can cause global warming. Some people don't want these green pigs around. They think it is better to have organic food rather than genetically altered food. However, some people support the green pigs because global warming is a big issue and this will help make it less of an issue. There is also the question of if the pigs are ok to eat. The FDA is testing the pig meat to see if it is unhealthy or if it causes disease.
ReplyDeleteEnviropig is a genetically engineered pig that is green and more sustainable. The waste that is omitted from this pig has less gases. The gases that usually come from the waste are harmful to the environment. Enviropig seems like a great thing, but in reality it is very controversial. Organics and scientists have been having a running battle over the topic of genetically engineered food. The FDA has been on the fence on the topic. This relates to our topic in class of genetics and DNA.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism, or GMO, is an organism whose genetic material has been altered. In the article, scientists have created a "new species" called the enviropig. The enviropig holds the same quality of meat as a typical Yorkshire pig, but is engineered to produce less toxic manure. This means that fewer pollutants are released into the atmosphere---CON. However, a negative factor is the uncertainty of relying on genetically modified foods that could possibly be harmful towards our health.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism whose genes have been altered by using genetic engineering techniques. The scientists have figured out how to make the manure less toxic. It has the same meat quality, protein, and fat, only its manure releases fewer pollutants into the atomosphere. This makes it a more environmentally sustainable option for pig farmers. But, the fact that it has been genetically modified, it must be safe for humans to eat. It can affect out health and possbily in the future a bigger mutation to the pig and one in humans if eaten. Relying on genetically modified foods could end in a consequence for our health, and the health of our global agricultural structure.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered by using genetic engineering. This process is a new development that is used to help people's concerns about the enviroment.The genetic modifications scientists made about pigs are that their is a huge amount of waste produced by a large number of livestock, this adds up to alot of methane and gases realeased into the atmosphere, which contributes to global climate change. The good thing is that the enviropig is better for the future food demand, and enviromental concerns. The bad thing is that if the genetic modified foods don't pass the benchmark,then it may fail.
ReplyDeleteIn my biology class I am learning about genes and genetic code. In the article I read scientists in Canada have come up with a new breed of pig that is a more sustainable food. This pig is the same quality of meat but is greener for the environment. This pig has all the same protein and fat as a normal pig, but also produces less toxic manure and releases fewer pollutants into the atmosphere. The large livestock of pigs release methane gas that changes the global climate. The FDA has not made this pig legal for human consumption yet. The FDA is not fond of the genetically modified foods as can be seen in their indecision on approving genetically modified salmon.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism whose genetic material has been altered in order to create more substantial ways to do things, such as raising livestock. Scientists are making genetic modifications to pigs in order to make their meat greener. Although the meat has the same protein and fat as a normal pig, it is better for the environment because of the waste. Normally, pigs’ waste contains a lot of chemicals and gases that are released, which is bad for both the Earth and the farmers who take care of the pigs. These genetically modified organisms, however, are supposed to produce fewer wastes that give off less pollutants. The good thing about these pigs is that they are helping the atmosphere stay clean and full of less gases and chemicals. However, there are some bad things about them. One of them is that we don’t know if the genetically modified food is good or bad for us to eat because it has not been tested. Safety organizations are still looking at it and until then, we don’t know if these pigs are good or bad.
ReplyDeleteGenetically modified organisms are when organisms' genes are tampered with. The scientists creating the pigs modified the pigs to have less toxic manure. The modifications are also supposed to made better proteins and fats from the pigs. The genetically modified pigs cause to have not as many or bad methane gases, which is better for the environment. The pigs also might cause diseases or unhealthy problems from eating these pigs, The FDA needs to check the pigs. This relates to what we are learning because we are learning about genes and mutations that cause harmful or helpful effects. It also relates to what we are learning because we watched a video on companies genetically modifying plants.
ReplyDeleteI must agree that any sort of genetically altered animal, especially mention for consumption, hasn't had the proper tests. But, I aalso agree that livestock are emitting dangerous gases the could destroy our ozone. This can relate to the video we watched in class about genetically altered plants. Not only were they expensive they also posed legal problems. Overall I think, save the earth eat a pork chop.
ReplyDeleteGenetically modified organisms are when an something's genetic information is changed through genetic engineering techniques. Scientists are modifying the pigs to make their manure less pollutant therefore making large-scale pig farmers less pollutant to their environment. I cannot think of any strong pros that would make this acceptable, I think it is strange and unnecessary to have to genetically modify a pig so its natural processes are more environmentally friendly. I also think that these pigs should not be allowed to be consumed because of the chemicals they are made up of are most likely unsafe and unhealthy for humans. I don't understand the reasoning behind genetically modifying any living organism.
ReplyDeleteIn the article, the author described attempts to genetically create a more environmentally friendly pig. This is very relevant to our recent studies on genetically modified organisms. These organisms have their genetic code modified by genetic engineers in attempts to improve them or give them desirable traits. Specifically, scientists are making genetic modifications to the pigs to produce less toxic manure, and therefore to become more "green." This may sound like a good idea on the face of it, because anything that lessens the amount of greenhouse gases entering the atmosphere is generally regarded as a good thing. However, genetically modified organisms such as these pigs may not be completely safe to eat. They are still under review by the FDA and may not be approved. In addition, non-genetically modified organisms provide a more stable agricultural basis that are tried and true. Thus, while GMOs do have many beneficial effects, they may also have as yet uncovered negative effects that may harm us or the agricultural system that we have.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about how scientists are trying to genetically modify pigs to make them more environmentally friendly. When you genetically modify something, you are switching it's genes with a certain trait. Scientists are doing this so that the pig's traits will be more beneficial to the environment. The waste that pigs produce is very harmful and pollutes the air. When genetically modified, these traits would not hurt the air as much. The pigs may not be safe to eat afterwards because not many people have tried it. It is still being approved by the FDA.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism that has been altered to be made either better or differently. This article discusses the idea of essentially making a 'green' pig. The idea is that it will be the same as regular pigs, but by genetically engineering it, it will produce less toxic manures that realease toxic chemicals into the environment. Most of the meat today comes from factory farms which release gasses such as methane from the manure of the animals which is a factor in the depletion of our o-zone layer. Though, the enviropigs sound like a great idea, some people are skeptical about the them, for they are unsure if the meat is safe to eat. It has yet to be tried for it is still under consideration of the FDA.
ReplyDeleteIn the article, we learn about a breed of genetically modified pigs. They are referred to as "enviropigs". These pigs, if they can still be called such, are more environmentally friendly in the sense that their feces isn't as toxic. However, like most other GMOs, these pigs may not be safe to eat. In biology class, we've been learning about genetic code and how it affects an organism's characteristics. The knowledge of DNA helped me better understand the article.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism, or GMO for short, is an organism that has had its genes intermixed with genes that would help the mixer in one way or another, whether it helps the organism do something amazing, or it makes it more sustainable in the mixer's diet. Scientists are using genetic modifications on little pigs to have the same meat quality as a regular Yorkshire pig, with the ideal fat and protein content developed. But, it will also produce less toxic waste that lets fewer amounts of pollutants into the air, therefore making it a fine enough environment to make larger scale pigs. Even though that may be the case, it does not excuse it for the bad things that it does. These scientists could be using there time efficiently to find another way to make our food more sustainable, but instead are making pigs that are still under review of the FDA, which has been going on since 1999. While there are easier ways to raise livestock, most of the meat found on the market today comes from large factories that are damaging the environments on our planet.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about genetically modified organisms. A genetically modified organism is an animal or plant that genes have been changed to create something new. Scientists are doing this to pigs. The scientist are changing pigs so that they have good fats and proteins. Another thing that they are doing is making it so pigs have less waste, because it is better for the environment. The pros are that this would be better for the environment. Some cons would be that people don’t know what type of effect this would have on humans when we eat them. Personally I think that doing this to pigs isn’t right. I think we should leave them how they are.
ReplyDeleteThe genetically modified organisms, also known as GMO, are modified organisms. In this article, the the Enviropig is to have the same taste as regular pigs,but saves more green in this world. As well, it is engineered to be less toxic and non-harmful. The FDA is now making decisions on the Enviropig, leaving the scientists sleepless.
ReplyDeleteIn this article the scientist is attemptng to make a pig that is better for the enviorment. This has to do with what we are leaning about becuase we have been studying gentically modified organisms. We have also been studying about genes. Scientist are making pigs produce less harmful manure so less greenhouse gasses will enter the atmosphere. The problem with this we are not sure if these pigs are safe to eat. The FDA is reviewing the idea.
ReplyDeleteAn organism that is genetically modified means that scientists have altered their genetic code to give them different, more desirable characteristics. Scientists are genetically modifying pigs to produce less toxic manure and have more ideal fat and protein percentages. The pros of doing this is that the manure will release less methane gas and other pollutants that contributes to global warming and harms us and our environment. The pigs will also meet our future food demands. Some cons are that we don't know how altering the genes of an animal will affect us in the future. We don't know how it will affect the environment and other animals and the FDA also doesn't know whether these pigs are safe to eat.
ReplyDeleteIn this article it tells of a geneticly engineered pig and how it can make the manure less toxic and making the meat more sustainable. also it makes it greener! (green eggs and ham :)) scientists are trying to geneticly engineer plants and animals togethor to make safer food for people. the process is being determined by the FDA to say if its safe to eat or not. though this story relates to the sea slug this is forced genetic adaptation andwe are the ones eating it. unlike the pigs sea slug copied DNA it wanted not what we wanted and we dont eat sea slugs.overall i think this article was very interesting and that they should study more on changing other things instead of pigs
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism thats genetic material has been altered or modified. Scientists have been working on genitically modifying pigs to create less toxic manure. This will be helpful to the environment. A pro would be that less polutants would be released into the air. A con would be that we don't know if the genetically modified food would be healthy for us to eat.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is an organism in which its genes are altered. Scientists in Canada are making such changes to pigs, by creating the Enviropig. These scientists change the genes of the pigs so that the manure produced by the pigs releases less pollutants. The advantages to this are that the environment is less harmed and there are reduced amounts of released gases that contribute to the global climate change. The disadvantage is that genetically modified foods might harm our health, and the FDA is currently working to determine whether the meat of the Enviropig is safe for humans to eat.
ReplyDeleteIn the article "Can Genetic Engineering Make Meat a More Sustainable Food?" by Ellen Sabina talks about how scientist in Canada have now created a new type of breed, a pig breed that has the same basic proteins and fats that are in the same meat as the Yorkshire pig, a type of breed in the pig species. The new breed that the Canadian scientist have developed has a certain change to it, it is more "Green" meaning more environment friendly. It is engineered to produce less toxic manure that releases fewer pollutants into the atmosphere, thereby making it a more environmentally sustainable option for large scale pig farmers.
ReplyDeleteThis idea could fit some people, but not all.
In my opinion I personally like to eat normal meat without any genetic altering or change in the DNA, because some people might feel like their eating something that isn't organically made by nature. On the other side of view this could actually be a positive thing because now our planet is on a danger of global warming. Humans have developed different kind of technology that could prevent this such calamity, and this new breed could keep the methane gas levels lower in the air.
A genetically modified organism is an organism whose genes have been altered. In this article, genetic modification plays a big role. Scientists are genetically modifying pigs so they can be healthier for the environment. The waste a pig and the meat production leave releases harmful gases, so scientists want to prevent those gases from entering the atmosphere by genetically modifying pigs. This situation has some pros and some cons. First of all, it's good, because, obviously, it helps the environment we live in, and can change the future in food production if it proves successful. However, there are some drawbacks. The FDA is still observing the food to see if it is healthy to eat. Eating genetically modified organisms may cause health problems for humans, so, although it may benefit the environment, it may not towards humans. It may also affect who we rely on if eating GMOs is healthy. Our agricultural system would definitely change if we started relying on GMOs.
ReplyDeleteGenetically modified organisms are organisms that has adjusted genetic material. The article talks about how scientists have came up with a "new species." They named it the enviropig. The enviropig provides the same quality of meat as our typical Yorkshire pig. But in contrast from the Yorkshire pig, it is created to produce less toxic manure. This leads to less polution to our environment, which is a con. But on the other hand, this "new species" needs genetically modified foods that can harm our human body when we eat the pig.
ReplyDeleteThe genetic modification of organisms is a very controversial topic. The idea behind genetic modification is to alter specific traits of an organism to provide a more suitable agricultural product. One example is the modification of a pig to create a more eco-friendly waste product. Although this could potentially revolutionalize agriculture, it is still a very controversial topic. Many people consider genetically modified organisms unnatural and therefore unsafe to eat. Some people feel that a lot could go wrong when tampering with nature. Whether or not consumption of genetically modified organisms will be legalized in the near future, there is no doubt that it holds the potentional to change the agricultural industry.
ReplyDeleteA GMO or a Genetically Modified Organism is an organism who's DNA has been altered or modified. The scientists are changing this pigs to make them better. They engineered the Enviropig so that it has the ideal fat and protein content. They are also engineered so that their waste isn't so toxic and that it doesn't release so much methane and other gasses that harm the environment, especially form big meat companies that have livestock. This definitely has its positive and negative sides. Some positives are that the pigs don't produce the harmful gasses and that they have good advantages for companies that produce livestock. Some negatives are that the meat isn't exactly organic and that it hasn't been approved by the FDA.
ReplyDeleteThis article says that some pigs cause pollution. Scientists think that using different types of pigs will decrease that pollution. they even want to genetically create a more environmentally friendly pig.The scientists have made modifications to the pigs to reduce toxic manure.This is very risky and could be a disaster to our atmosphere. I myself think that this could not work and is a wast of money. I hope that these experiments don't cause any harm to our atmosphere.
ReplyDeleteSo as most of us know, people consume pigs. yes folks they eat them. It used to be "back in the day" that a person could take a pig off the ol' farm kill it cook it and eat it. However the health nuts of the world said 'wait! that pig meat doesn't have all the appropriate proteins' and the markets of our consumer based society were perfectly fine with that because on average in todays world people will go for the "its better for you" product. So, people presumably scientists began to find ways of infusing all the "appropriate" proteins into the pig meat. Then came along scientists who got all high and mighty and said 'Wait! what if we could find a way to infuse the proteins into the pig before its killed oh! oh! and because of all that talk about global warming lets make it have a green..... digestive system!!" Then they began to take the poor pigs and genetically engineer them. For all of you who don't know what genetic engineering is, its when scientist change and animal or plants genes from what they naturally were. Now not everyone is very appreciative of what is being done to the pigs. First off the "all natural" animal provides a much better and exceedingly more stable basis for agriculture. Also there are many people against it because or moral reasons. Not everyone believes that genetic modification is humane nor do these people want to eat something that has been modified specifically when it was perfectly fine just the way it was. Having said this there are many people who believe in the pros of the experiment.In reality what they are trying to do, isn't all that bad. you know going green, saving the world and all that jazz its just the way they are going about it's kinda gross and is shows just how far science has disconnected itself from the human aspects. Personally I say let the pigs alone, they have never done anything to anyone. I mean its bad enough that their kept in slaughterhouses and are only born to be killed, you shouldn't go adding experimenting on to the list. Pigs may just be pigs but they're living and breathing just like you and me. I mean if you want to save the world go get rid of plastic bags, go reduce waste. Don't mess with six billion years of evolution.
ReplyDeleteThis article is about a moral dilemma pig farmers must face: health or environment. Scientists are turning normal pigs into genetically modified organisms, or life that's DNA has been tampered with by scientists. These scientist made a 'green pig' that does not have toxic matter in it's manure, making the environment better. The FDA is currently consulting this case as well as many other cases with GMOs. Genetically modified organisms can make food easier or more efficient to grow, taste better, or, in this case, more environmentally friendly. However, some GMOs could cause health issues that scientists can't currently predict. This issue is a tough call between health and the environment.
ReplyDeleteA genetically modified organism is a plant or animal who's genes have been altered in one way or another. Your genes code for your traits, and by altering a specific trait, you get a change in that original feature. The lasting effects of this can either be positive or negative. The article which pertains to scientist altering the genes(traits) of pigs, want the pigs to have a nice amount of protein and fat, and want their waste to be less harmful to the environment. These special pigs have not been released as yet and will not be for quite a while, for we want to make absolutely sure that the pigs are ok to eat. I personally would not eat such pigs. I find genetic modification, pertaining to food, wrong. It goes against nature and its just plain wrong. Who cares if the pig doesn't have enough fat on it! I find it disgusting and would never put something like that into my body.
ReplyDeleteThe article "Green Pig" describes an attempt that is trying to create a pig that could be eco friendly. This is what we have been studying because its part of the geneticaly altered orginisms. They are trying to put in traits that are desirerable for themselves. Basically pigs pigs produce manure that is toxic and what they are doing ot these pigs will decrease the amount of toxicity. However there is some contervercy on weather or not they are saf to eat. Because of the genetically modified orginisms they could have a negative effect on us if we eat them. It is under review but they want to let everyone know that unmodified are the best to eat but not nessisrily green.