This is the blog for Ms. Hero's Biology Class at Carlmont High School. Articles related to what we are studying in class will be posted with prompts for student response.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Halloween Corn Mazes
When I was a student in Davis, I would love to go to the nearby corn maze each Halloween with my friends each year. Corn mazes are lots of fun, but they, as well as other plants, provide us with another great service.
According to the article, all plants capture and store energy. This process is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts simple molecules of carbon dioxide into complex molecules of sugar. The CO2 and water come from air and soil. In order for this reaction to take place, sunlight is needed. Through photosynthesis, plants produce waste that is vital to every human being: oxygen. Therefore, photosynthesis is a beneficial process to every person on this earth, in which plants release oxygen into the air for us to breathe.
Plants photosynthesize by turning carbon dioxide and water and changing it into sugar. Sunlight is the "fuel" to this process and also there is a waste product, oxygen. There are two different kinds of photosynthesizing. They are C3 and C4. The C4 plants are much faster and stronger than the C3 plants. This allows the C4 plants to make sugar more effinciently. Some examples of these plants are corn, sugar cane, and sorghum.
Photosynthesis is beneficial to us and other animals because we take the sugar from the plants and use it as food and we break it down using oxygen, releasing energy into our bodies.
Plants photosynthesize by taking water and carbon dioxide molecules and converting them into sugar. They do this by capturing sunlight and storing the energy. Plants usually go through two different types of processes during photosynthesis and they are categorized by the terms C3 and C4. The difference between the two, are that C4 is more efficient because it produces more food. By going through the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen, which benefits us. It benefits us because we need oxygen to live. So all in all, what we release (carbon dioxide) is needed for plants who release what we need (oxygen).
Photosynthesis takes simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water which then converts into complex sugar molecules. This whole process includes one waste product which is, oxygen. This benefits us because it energizes our body. Since we eat food to power up our body we break the sugar up from plants using oxygen which then releases energy into our body. Another waste product that is included in this process is carbon dioxide.
Plants photosynthesize by taking molecules of water and carbon dioxide and through a chemical process, turns it into molecules of sugar. The process is fueled by sunlight, and the plant gets the carbon dioxide and water from the soil that surrounds it. Photosynthesis benefits the human race, because when plants photosynthesize the "waste product" from the process is oxygen.And as humans we need oxygen to survive. We also eat the sugars from the plants and turn it into our own usable energy and breath in the oxygen. Then we let out carbon dioxide for the plants and then the process repeats itself.Its a win-win situation for everyone!
Describe how plants photosynthesize and how that is a benefit to us.
All plants go through photosynthesis. The point of photosynthesis is to produce energy for a plant cell to use. All a plant needs to start the complex process of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. Once it meets these requirments, it can then go through the process of making food for itself, which is sugar. The only waste product is oxygen. This process is how a plant stays alive and ends up being beneficial to humans as well. Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis and humans need oxygen to breath. When we are done with the air we breath, we give off carbon dioxide. This is what plants need in order to start photosynthesis. The cycle is very useful and keeps us both functioning.
In October, one of the fall activities is a maize maze. Corn is used for a variety of things. There are two kinds of corn; the corn broken down to be fed to livestock and used in processed food and the kind that we eat fresh. Corn uses photosynthesis like any other plant. The process of photosynthesis is being discussed in class currently. This article takes us a little deeper. It talks about the cycle and the two different kinds classified as C3 and C4. C4 plants are faster at creating the process. As you can see there is more to photosynthesis than the common diagram.
Every living thing needs energy to carry out their functions. Animals get their energy through cellular respiration, and plants obtain it from photosynthesis. The reactants in photosynthesis are water and carbon dioxide, and it needs energy in the form of sunlight to have the reaction take place. The product of this reaction are sugars that the plant can then use for energy. Oxygen is also emitted during this reaction, and that's where we come in. For cellular respiration, we need oxygen and sugars as our reactants, and carbon dioxide and water are our products which the plants can then use for photosynthesis. It's an endless, very important, cycle. Corn is extra special because it is a C4 "photosynthesizer", meaning it produces the products more efficiently and faster, giving us more of the reactants we need. Plants are vital for our survival, considering they are the number one emitter of oxygen, which we breath.
Photosynthesis occurs when plants take simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water and convert them into sugar. The carbon comes from the water in the soil and air. The energy to create and fuel the reaction comes from the sunlight. The waste product of the reaction is oxygen, which can be extremely beneficial to humans and other animals. When we eat plants, we take the sugars that the plants have created through photosynthesis, break them down using oxygen and use it to fuel our bodies. We all rely on plants for our survival. Without them we wouldn't be able to even breath!
The article mentions that sweet corn is used as a vegetable.Field corn is used as a grain when the ear drys. It makes cereal,flour and stuff like that.plants do have photosythesis witch is sugar and thats what they its kinda like corn and plants on the field have ways of spreading food to other plants.This article realates to what we are studying in class because we learn about how plants make there own food.Thats what i learned about this day i will go on a corn field and really observe the field.
All plants capture and store energy by way of photosynthesis. It's a complex chemical process that takes simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water and converts them into complex molecules of sugar. Carbon dioxide comes from the air and water from the soil. The energy to fuel the reaction is sunlight. There is one waste product of the process, oxygen. This works out very nicely for us and the rest of the animal world because we take sugars from plants as food, break them down using oxygen, and release the energy to power our bodies. Aside from some solids, the other waste product of the process is carbon dioxide.
What the plants produce, we use; and what we produce, the plants use.
As with most natural processes, photosynthesis isn't as simple as it sounds. There are two photosynthetic processes used by plants. Biologists categorize plants as C3 or C4 plants. The C4 plants are both faster and more efficient in fabricating complex sugars than C3 plants. That means they produce more food under the same conditions
Plants photosynthesize by taking in carbon dioxide and water molecules and converting those molecules into sugar molecules, such as glucose, using energy the plant has absorbed from sunlight. Another product comes out of the reaction and that would be oxygen. Although photosynthesis may produce oxygen, it does not mean that the plant uses or needs it. Therefore the oxygen is a waste product. This is a benefit to us humans because we take in the oxygen that the plants produce through photosynthesis and expel carbon dioxide. The plants then use that carbon dioxide to produce the glucose and oxygen and the process repeats itself.
Maize is an amazing plant, being able to reproduce this quickly, and to be able to create more ears quickly makes it one of the best crops. It is also very adaptive, it can be used to create anything, including mazes.Unfortunately, not very many people like regular corn (from what I've seen) so many in the industry are trying to find new ways to use corn. That way, we will not lose this amazing crop. A good anti-theft mechanism is having field corn, the bitter kind, because one will regret stealing the corn when they take their first bite.
Jeff W 7 Period Plants photosynthesis by taking in carbon, oxygen and light. Chloroplasts is the way it is activated. Chloroplasts are inside cells and they also make the color of the leaves green. When the plants take in sunlight they convert it into energy. Then in turn when eat corn or other edible plants he take the energy that those plants have. Also photosynthesis gives off oxygen that we take in and takes in the carbon we give off. Plants give us energy and gives us the air we need while we give in the air it needs and we give it care, in many ways we need each other.
Fueled by sunlight, photosynthesis is a process in which plants take water, and carbon dioxide molecules and convert them into complex sugar molecules and oxygen, the very thing living animals need to sustain life. A vital component to this process is chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells. Photosynthesis not only allows for us to breathe but it also gives energy to the plant who in its turn is picked and consumed by people and animals alike. There for plants are vital to our very existence.
Maize is a plant and therefore performs photosynthesis. Plants photosynthesize by taking in H2O and CO2 and using light energy to reassemble the molecules to form sugar molecules like glucose. Another product of the reaction is oxygen. The oxygen is released as waste product. Animals then use that same oxygen for cellular respiration, which, when glucose is provided, breaks down the sugars and expels water and carbon dioxide. The plants then use that carbon dioxide to produce the glucose and oxygen and the process repeats itself. Ted A. 7°
Corn is a grass(never knew that!!), which is a plant, which conducts photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process where a plants converts simple carbon dioxide and water molecules into complex sugar molecules. The Co2 and water come from the air and soil while the energy used in this equation is sunlight. The products of this process are glucose and oxygen, which is not used by the plant, thus, it is released.
All plants use photosynthesis to create energy. Photosynthesis is the process of changing Carbon Dioxide and Water into sugar and oxygen. To complete photosynthesis, the plant needs sun light. In a plant's cell, it has chloroplast that contains chlorophyll that produces the green color of the leaves. Photosynthesis benefits us because it creates oxygen to breath. It also creates the sugar in the plants we eat to help us increases our energy.
Photosynthesis is when carbon dioxide and water molecules are converted into sugars. Sunlight fuels these reactions, and the Carbon Dioxide comes from the air and the water from the soil. The waste product for photosynthesis is Oxygen. This means that it lets out the exact thing we need to breathe in. Also when we breathe in that oxygen we let out Carbon Dioxide that the plants can take in which keeps the cycle between us a plants moving.
We depend on plants not only for food but also for Oxygen. Plants make there own food and energy through a process called Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs in an organelle called Chloroplast found only in plants. plants get Carbon Dioxide from the air and water from the roots and what basically gets everything started is sunlight. The Carbon Dioxide and water get converted into sugar. During that process the waste that is created is Oxygen. The plant makes the air that we breathe and it is also an essential part of our diets. Plant have many uses and they aren't just food, they can be in most of the stuff that we use. Around this time of the year plants become like a playground for example Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches.
Plants produce their food using photosynthesis. This process produces sugar and oxygen from light, CO2 and H2O. These are the ingredients we need for our Mitocondria to produce energy. This is crucial for our suvival because unlike seaslugs we haven't adapted to use chlorplasts yet. (see last weeks article) Because we can't make sugar our selves we eat plants to gain it.
Describe how plants photosynthesize and how that is a benefit to us.
Photosynthesis occurs when chlorophyll absorbs sunlight. Chlorophyll is located in side chloroplasts which only plant cells have. Using sunlight plants combine carbon dioxide to make sugar and oxygen. Humans benefit from plants because plants give off what we need to breathe. Photosynthesis what produces oxygen and that is what humans need to survive. Plants and humans practically feed off each other.
In plant cells there is a specific organelle called a chloroplast, that regulates the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a complex process in which a plant absorbs water and carbon dioxide. After the plant has processed these reactants, sunlight is used as the energy to finalize the process. The product of photosynthesis is oxygen. As humans, we need oxygen to survive, thus plants regulating photosynthesis is vital. After we intake oxygen we release carbon dioxide which is a main reactant needed for plants to go through photosynthesis. Overall it is one big cycle of plants and humans or other mammals, relying on one another for reactants to perform their processes.
Plants go through a prosses called photosynthesis, this is a prosess where the plant takes sumlight and co2 and coverts to energy and sugars and starches for the plants energy, the out come for this prosses is oxogen which we breath in. this prosess is like cellular respiration.
Plants photosynthesize by turning carbon dioxide/water into sugar. To help with this process, plants take sunlight and turn it into energy. The waste product of this cycle is oxygen. That is a benefit for us because humans survive by breathing in oxygen. We also consume sugars and turn it into our own energy/breath in oxygen.
Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts simple molecules of carbon dioxide into complex molecules of sugar. Sunlight is the energy behind the reaction. Photosynthesis has only oxygen as a waste product. The oxygen created from photosynthesis allows us to breathe. When we exhale we produce carbon dioxide, which fuels photosynthesis, which in turn sends us oxygen. The whole cycle is self sustaining and good for the environment.
Plants use photosynthesize to use the sunlight to help the plant grow have, store its energy.What we use,the plants are able to use.What the plants use from photosynthesize we are able to use that energy stuff as well. It consumes of creating oxygen which both plants and us as well need to help us survive. That is how photosynthesis benefits to us as well as plants.
Plants go through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants take in sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water and turn it into energy (sugar). Then the plants release oxygen. This process benefits us because we breathe in the oxygen that the plants release.
Plants are use photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process where plants capture light and make it into energy. Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts a simple molecule of carbon dioxide into a more complex molecule of sugar. Plans go through two different kinds of stages of photosynthesis. The two processes are C3 and C4. The C4 plants are extremely faster and stronger than the C3 plants. This allows the C4 plants to make sugar more efficiently. Plants doing photosynthesis benefits us in a very big way. The waste product of it creates oxygen. Without oxygen people would not be able to survive.
Plants are able to go through photosynthesis, which is a process in which they take water and carbon dioxide, and turn it into sugar. It benefits us humans, because the plants come out with the waste product of oxygen, which is essential to the human body. The plants can't do this by themselfs, because they need sunlight. They are important to us because they release oxygen in the air that we need.
All plants go through a process called photosynthesis to generate food. Photosynthesis is a process do by turning carbon dioxide/water into sugar. Photosynthesis requires water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to convert energy and sugars and starches for the plants energy. During photosynthesis, the plant releases oxygen, a gas we need to survive. Therefore we depend on plants to survive.
since all plants are able to go through a proscess called photosynthsis. we are able to live on the oxygen which all plants provide us. also since photosynthesis need three components. water, oxygen, abd plobably the most important... sunlight. because without sunlight the cholorplasts would no function which would take down the entire plant. mainly most of the recources that are needed, we produce. and the main sousce of life for humans, they produce you could just say we live in a symbiodic relationship.
Photosynthesis is the process that all plants use to generate power for them and oxygen for us. Yet, some plants giveout sugar or ATP that is in apples or oranges. Anything grown. Including grass. The grass is eatin by a cow and we eat the beef and get the grasses energy. Photosynthesis is a quite complicated process. First, the plants gather carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to turn it into sugar and oxygen for us to breathe. Photosynthesis plays a very important role. Without it we would not survive. I mean we can't survive without air, right? Also, some plants are better then others. C4 plants are those who are better, they are much faster and yet, much stronger.
Two ways plants benefit us is by giving us life and food. They do that using photosynthesis. Basically they use the carbon dioxide, found in air and soil, along with water to produce sugar in which we takes as our foods. When they go through that process, plants realease oxygen, in which we use to help us breathe and live. When we use that oxygen, we make carbon dioxide which helps plant do photosynthesis all over again. So basically, it is a complex basic chain that benefits us through food and respiration to keep us alive.
Plants are made of specific cells that contain chloroplasts, organelles that carry out the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that converts molecules of water and carbon dioxide into sugars for energy, releasing oxygen. Since we take the sugar by eating plants, such as corn, this is helpful for us. By eating the plants, we consume the sugar, which provides us energy by breaking the sugar down using the oxygen the plants provide. Our "waste product" ends up being carbon dioxide, which plants, like corn, can use to restart the cycle all over again. If plants couldn't photosynthesize, then we would have fewer resources for energy. We may even have much less energy compared to today! But, thanks to plants, we have more energy and stamina to survive.
Corn is a type of grass which is related to the plants that come together as one into a lawn. Plants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time. Halloween brings fun activities like carving pumpkins and corn mazes. Corn is a type of grass which is related the plants that come together as one into a lawn. Corn is the most cultivated crop in the USA. Most corns are grown towards central United States. Out of every type of corn, the most common one grown is field corn. It's used to feed farm animals, one of the main ingredients in our cereal, and is often grounded into corn meal. Besides field corn, there are also sweet corn, but there are two big differences. Sweet corn is harvested earlier than field corn and field corn does not taste as sweet. Sweet corn is harvested when its soft so it could be eaten as a vegetable while field corn is harvested when it dries up so it could be consumed as grain. Plants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time. Halloween brings fun activities like carving pumpkins and corn mazes. Corn is a type of grass which is related the plants that come together as one into a lawn. Corn is the most cultivated crop in the USA. Most corns are grown towards central United States. Out of every type of corn, the most common one grown is field corn. It's used to feed farm animals, one of the main ingredients in our cereal, and is often grounded into corn meal. Besides field corn, there are also sweet corn, but there are two big differences. Sweet corn is harvested earlier than field corn and field corn does not taste as sweet. Sweet corn is harvested when it’s soft so it could be eaten as a vegetable while field corn is harvested when it dries up so it could be consumed as grain. Plants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time.
The article mentions that sweet corn is used as a vegetable.Field corn is used as a grain when the ear drys. It makes cereal,flour,etc.plants do have photosythesis witch is sugar and thats what they its like corn and plants on the field have ways of spreading food to other plants.This article realates to what we are studying in class of how we learned about how plants make there own food. photosunthesis works by collecting water,carbon dioxide, and sunlight and makes glucose which is their food.
Photosynthesis is when a plant coverts molecules of water and carbon dioxide that they took into sugar. The carbon they take in comes from the water and the air surrounding them. The energy itself comes from the sunlight they receive. Plants are very important to us because they're part of our diet and they purify the air for us. Without plants, the whole food chain would not be able to go on.
According to the article, all plants capture and store energy. This process is called photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts simple molecules of carbon dioxide into complex molecules of sugar. The CO2 and water come from air and soil. In order for this reaction to take place, sunlight is needed. Through photosynthesis, plants produce waste that is vital to every human being: oxygen.
ReplyDeleteTherefore, photosynthesis is a beneficial process to every person on this earth, in which plants release oxygen into the air for us to breathe.
Plants photosynthesize by turning carbon dioxide and water and changing it into sugar. Sunlight is the "fuel" to this process and also there is a waste product, oxygen. There are two different kinds of photosynthesizing. They are C3 and C4. The C4 plants are much faster and stronger than the C3 plants. This allows the C4 plants to make sugar more effinciently. Some examples of these plants are corn, sugar cane, and sorghum.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis is beneficial to us and other animals because we take the sugar from the plants and use it as food and we break it down using oxygen, releasing energy into our bodies.
Plants photosynthesize by taking water and carbon dioxide molecules and converting them into sugar. They do this by capturing sunlight and storing the energy. Plants usually go through two different types of processes during photosynthesis and they are categorized by the terms C3 and C4. The difference between the two, are that C4 is more efficient because it produces more food.
ReplyDeleteBy going through the process of photosynthesis, plants release oxygen, which benefits us. It benefits us because we need oxygen to live. So all in all, what we release (carbon dioxide) is needed for plants who release what we need (oxygen).
Photosynthesis takes simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water which then converts into complex sugar molecules. This whole process includes one waste product which is, oxygen. This benefits us because it energizes our body. Since we eat food to power up our body we break the sugar up from plants using oxygen which then releases energy into our body. Another waste product that is included in this process is carbon dioxide.
ReplyDeletePlants photosynthesize by taking molecules of water and carbon dioxide and through a chemical process, turns it into molecules of sugar. The process is fueled by sunlight, and the plant gets the carbon dioxide and water from the soil that surrounds it. Photosynthesis benefits the human race, because when plants photosynthesize the "waste product" from the process is oxygen.And as humans we need oxygen to survive. We also eat the sugars from the plants and turn it into our own usable energy and breath in the oxygen. Then we let out carbon dioxide for the plants and then the process repeats itself.Its a win-win situation for everyone!
ReplyDeleteDescribe how plants photosynthesize and how that is a benefit to us.
ReplyDeleteAll plants go through photosynthesis. The point of photosynthesis is to produce energy for a plant cell to use. All a plant needs to start the complex process of photosynthesis is carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight. Once it meets these requirments, it can then go through the process of making food for itself, which is sugar. The only waste product is oxygen. This process is how a plant stays alive and ends up being beneficial to humans as well. Plants produce oxygen through photosynthesis and humans need oxygen to breath. When we are done with the air we breath, we give off carbon dioxide. This is what plants need in order to start photosynthesis. The cycle is very useful and keeps us both functioning.
In October, one of the fall activities is a maize maze. Corn is used for a variety of things. There are two kinds of corn; the corn broken down to be fed to livestock and used in processed food and the kind that we eat fresh. Corn uses photosynthesis like any other plant. The process of photosynthesis is being discussed in class currently. This article takes us a little deeper. It talks about the cycle and the two different kinds classified as C3 and C4. C4 plants are faster at creating the process. As you can see there is more to photosynthesis than the common diagram.
ReplyDeleteEvery living thing needs energy to carry out their functions. Animals get their energy through cellular respiration, and plants obtain it from photosynthesis. The reactants in photosynthesis are water and carbon dioxide, and it needs energy in the form of sunlight to have the reaction take place. The product of this reaction are sugars that the plant can then use for energy. Oxygen is also emitted during this reaction, and that's where we come in. For cellular respiration, we need oxygen and sugars as our reactants, and carbon dioxide and water are our products which the plants can then use for photosynthesis. It's an endless, very important, cycle. Corn is extra special because it is a C4 "photosynthesizer", meaning it produces the products more efficiently and faster, giving us more of the reactants we need. Plants are vital for our survival, considering they are the number one emitter of oxygen, which we breath.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis occurs when plants take simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water and convert them into sugar. The carbon comes from the water in the soil and air. The energy to create and fuel the reaction comes from the sunlight. The waste product of the reaction is oxygen, which can be extremely beneficial to humans and other animals. When we eat plants, we take the sugars that the plants have created through photosynthesis, break them down using oxygen and use it to fuel our bodies. We all rely on plants for our survival. Without them we wouldn't be able to even breath!
ReplyDeleteThe article mentions that sweet corn is used as a vegetable.Field corn is used as a grain when the ear drys. It makes cereal,flour and stuff like that.plants do have photosythesis witch is sugar and thats what they its kinda like corn and plants on the field have ways of spreading food to other plants.This article realates to what we are studying in class because we learn about how plants make there own food.Thats what i learned about this day i will go on a corn field and really observe the field.
ReplyDeleteAll plants capture and store energy by way of photosynthesis. It's a complex chemical process that takes simple molecules of carbon dioxide and water and converts them into complex molecules of sugar. Carbon dioxide comes from the air and water from the soil. The energy to fuel the reaction is sunlight. There is one waste product of the process, oxygen.
ReplyDeleteThis works out very nicely for us and the rest of the animal world because we take sugars from plants as food, break them down using oxygen, and release the energy to power our bodies. Aside from some solids, the other waste product of the process is carbon dioxide.
What the plants produce, we use; and what we produce, the plants use.
As with most natural processes, photosynthesis isn't as simple as it sounds. There are two photosynthetic processes used by plants. Biologists categorize plants as C3 or C4 plants. The C4 plants are both faster and more efficient in fabricating complex sugars than C3 plants. That means they produce more food under the same conditions
Plants photosynthesize by taking in carbon dioxide and water molecules and converting those molecules into sugar molecules, such as glucose, using energy the plant has absorbed from sunlight. Another product comes out of the reaction and that would be oxygen. Although photosynthesis may produce oxygen, it does not mean that the plant uses or needs it. Therefore the oxygen is a waste product. This is a benefit to us humans because we take in the oxygen that the plants produce through photosynthesis and expel carbon dioxide. The plants then use that carbon dioxide to produce the glucose and oxygen and the process repeats itself.
ReplyDeleteMaize is an amazing plant, being able to reproduce this quickly, and to be able to create more ears quickly makes it one of the best crops. It is also very adaptive, it can be used to create anything, including mazes.Unfortunately, not very many people like regular corn (from what I've seen) so many in the industry are trying to find new ways to use corn. That way, we will not lose this amazing crop. A good anti-theft mechanism is having field corn, the bitter kind, because one will regret stealing the corn when they take their first bite.
ReplyDeleteJeff W 7 Period
ReplyDeletePlants photosynthesis by taking in carbon, oxygen and light. Chloroplasts is the way it is activated. Chloroplasts are inside cells and they also make the color of the leaves green. When the plants take in sunlight they convert it into energy. Then in turn when eat corn or other edible plants he take the energy that those plants have. Also photosynthesis gives off oxygen that we take in and takes in the carbon we give off. Plants give us energy and gives us the air we need while we give in the air it needs and we give it care, in many ways we need each other.
Fueled by sunlight, photosynthesis is a process in which plants take water, and carbon dioxide molecules and convert them into complex sugar molecules and oxygen, the very thing living animals need to sustain life. A vital component to this process is chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are organelles found in plant cells. Photosynthesis not only allows for us to breathe but it also gives energy to the plant who in its turn is picked and consumed by people and animals alike. There for plants are vital to our very existence.
ReplyDeleteMaize is a plant and therefore performs photosynthesis. Plants photosynthesize by taking in H2O and CO2 and using light energy to reassemble the molecules to form sugar molecules like glucose. Another product of the reaction is oxygen. The oxygen is released as waste product. Animals then use that same oxygen for cellular respiration, which, when glucose is provided, breaks down the sugars and expels water and carbon dioxide. The plants then use that carbon dioxide to produce the glucose and oxygen and the process repeats itself.
ReplyDeleteTed A. 7°
Corn is a grass(never knew that!!), which is a plant, which conducts photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a process where a plants converts simple carbon dioxide and water molecules into complex sugar molecules. The Co2 and water come from the air and soil while the energy used in this equation is sunlight. The products of this process are glucose and oxygen, which is not used by the plant, thus, it is released.
ReplyDeleteAll plants use photosynthesis to create energy. Photosynthesis is the process of changing Carbon Dioxide and Water into sugar and oxygen. To complete photosynthesis, the plant needs sun light. In a plant's cell, it has chloroplast that contains chlorophyll that produces the green color of the leaves. Photosynthesis benefits us because it creates oxygen to breath. It also creates the sugar in the plants we eat to help us increases our energy.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis is when carbon dioxide and water molecules are converted into sugars. Sunlight fuels these reactions, and the Carbon Dioxide comes from the air and the water from the soil. The waste product for photosynthesis is Oxygen. This means that it lets out the exact thing we need to breathe in. Also when we breathe in that oxygen we let out Carbon Dioxide that the plants can take in which keeps the cycle between us a plants moving.
ReplyDeleteWe depend on plants not only for food but also for Oxygen. Plants make there own food and energy through a process called Photosynthesis. Photosynthesis occurs in an organelle called Chloroplast found only in plants. plants get Carbon Dioxide from the air and water from the roots and what basically gets everything started is sunlight. The Carbon Dioxide and water get converted into sugar. During that process the waste that is created is Oxygen. The plant makes the air that we breathe and it is also an essential part of our diets. Plant have many uses and they aren't just food, they can be in most of the stuff that we use. Around this time of the year plants become like a playground for example Corn Mazes and Pumpkin Patches.
ReplyDeletePlants produce their food using photosynthesis. This process produces sugar and oxygen from light, CO2 and H2O. These are the ingredients we need for our Mitocondria to produce energy. This is crucial for our suvival because unlike seaslugs we haven't adapted to use chlorplasts yet. (see last weeks article) Because we can't make sugar our selves we eat plants to gain it.
ReplyDeleteDescribe how plants photosynthesize and how that is a benefit to us.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis occurs when chlorophyll absorbs sunlight. Chlorophyll is located in side chloroplasts which only plant cells have. Using sunlight plants combine carbon dioxide to make sugar and oxygen. Humans benefit from plants because plants give off what we need to breathe. Photosynthesis what produces oxygen and that is what humans need to survive. Plants and humans practically feed off each other.
In plant cells there is a specific organelle called a chloroplast, that regulates the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is a complex process in which a plant absorbs water and carbon dioxide. After the plant has processed these reactants, sunlight is used as the energy to finalize the process. The product of photosynthesis is oxygen. As humans, we need oxygen to survive, thus plants regulating photosynthesis is vital. After we intake oxygen we release carbon dioxide which is a main reactant needed for plants to go through photosynthesis. Overall it is one big cycle of plants and humans or other mammals, relying on one another for reactants to perform their processes.
ReplyDeletePlants go through a prosses called photosynthesis, this is a prosess where the plant takes sumlight and co2 and coverts to energy and sugars and starches for the plants energy, the out come for this prosses is oxogen which we breath in. this prosess is like cellular respiration.
ReplyDeletePlants photosynthesize by turning carbon dioxide/water into sugar. To help with this process, plants take sunlight and turn it into energy. The waste product of this cycle is oxygen. That is a benefit for us because humans survive by breathing in oxygen. We also consume sugars and turn it into our own energy/breath in oxygen.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis is a chemical process that converts simple molecules of carbon dioxide into complex molecules of sugar. Sunlight is the energy behind the reaction. Photosynthesis has only oxygen as a waste product. The oxygen created from photosynthesis allows us to breathe. When we exhale we produce carbon dioxide, which fuels photosynthesis, which in turn sends us oxygen. The whole cycle is self sustaining and good for the environment.
ReplyDeletePlants use photosynthesize to use the sunlight to help the plant grow have, store its energy.What we use,the plants are able to use.What the plants use from photosynthesize we are able to use that energy stuff as well. It consumes of creating oxygen which both plants and us as well need to help us survive. That is how photosynthesis benefits to us as well as plants.
ReplyDeletePlants go through a process called photosynthesis. During photosynthesis plants take in sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water and turn it into energy (sugar). Then the plants release oxygen. This process benefits us because we breathe in the oxygen that the plants release.
ReplyDeletePlants are use photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process where plants capture light and make it into energy. Photosynthesis is a chemical process that converts a simple molecule of carbon dioxide into a more complex molecule of sugar. Plans go through two different kinds of stages of photosynthesis. The two processes are C3 and C4. The C4 plants are extremely faster and stronger than the C3 plants. This allows the C4 plants to make sugar more efficiently. Plants doing photosynthesis benefits us in a very big way. The waste product of it creates oxygen. Without oxygen people would not be able to survive.
ReplyDeletePlants are able to go through photosynthesis, which is a process in which they take water and carbon dioxide, and turn it into sugar. It benefits us humans, because the plants come out with the waste product of oxygen, which is essential to the human body. The plants can't do this by themselfs, because they need sunlight. They are important to us because they release oxygen in the air that we need.
ReplyDeleteAll plants go through a process called photosynthesis to generate food. Photosynthesis is a process do by turning carbon dioxide/water into sugar. Photosynthesis requires water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight to convert energy and sugars and starches for the plants energy. During photosynthesis, the plant releases oxygen, a gas we need to survive. Therefore we depend on plants to survive.
ReplyDeletesince all plants are able to go through a proscess called photosynthsis. we are able to live on the oxygen which all plants provide us. also since photosynthesis need three components. water, oxygen, abd plobably the most important... sunlight. because without sunlight the cholorplasts would no function which would take down the entire plant. mainly most of the recources that are needed, we produce. and the main sousce of life for humans, they produce you could just say we live in a symbiodic relationship.
ReplyDeletePhotosynthesis is the process that all plants use to generate power for them and oxygen for us. Yet, some plants giveout sugar or ATP that is in apples or oranges. Anything grown. Including grass. The grass is eatin by a cow and we eat the beef and get the grasses energy. Photosynthesis is a quite complicated process. First, the plants gather carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to turn it into sugar and oxygen for us to breathe. Photosynthesis plays a very important role. Without it we would not survive. I mean we can't survive without air, right? Also, some plants are better then others. C4 plants are those who are better, they are much faster and yet, much stronger.
ReplyDeleteTwo ways plants benefit us is by giving us life and food. They do that using photosynthesis. Basically they use the carbon dioxide, found in air and soil, along with water to produce sugar in which we takes as our foods. When they go through that process, plants realease oxygen, in which we use to help us breathe and live. When we use that oxygen, we make carbon dioxide which helps plant do photosynthesis all over again. So basically, it is a complex basic chain that benefits us through food and respiration to keep us alive.
ReplyDeletePlants are made of specific cells that contain chloroplasts, organelles that carry out the process of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis is the process that converts molecules of water and carbon dioxide into sugars for energy, releasing oxygen. Since we take the sugar by eating plants, such as corn, this is helpful for us. By eating the plants, we consume the sugar, which provides us energy by breaking the sugar down using the oxygen the plants provide. Our "waste product" ends up being carbon dioxide, which plants, like corn, can use to restart the cycle all over again.
ReplyDeleteIf plants couldn't photosynthesize, then we would have fewer resources for energy. We may even have much less energy compared to today! But, thanks to plants, we have more energy and stamina to survive.
Corn is a type of grass which is related to the plants that come together as one into a lawn.
ReplyDeletePlants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time. Halloween brings fun activities like carving pumpkins and corn mazes.
Corn is a type of grass which is related the plants that come together as one into a lawn.
Corn is the most cultivated crop in the USA. Most corns are grown towards central United States.
Out of every type of corn, the most common one grown is field corn.
It's used to feed farm animals, one of the main ingredients in our cereal, and is often grounded into corn meal.
Besides field corn, there are also sweet corn, but there are two big differences. Sweet corn is harvested earlier than field corn and field corn does not taste as sweet. Sweet corn is harvested when its soft so it could be eaten as a vegetable while field corn is harvested when it dries up so it could be consumed as grain. Plants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time. Halloween brings fun activities like carving pumpkins and corn mazes.
Corn is a type of grass which is related the plants that come together as one into a lawn.
Corn is the most cultivated crop in the USA. Most corns are grown towards central United States.
Out of every type of corn, the most common one grown is field corn.
It's used to feed farm animals, one of the main ingredients in our cereal, and is often grounded into corn meal.
Besides field corn, there are also sweet corn, but there are two big differences. Sweet corn is harvested earlier than field corn and field corn does not taste as sweet. Sweet corn is harvested when it’s soft so it could be eaten as a vegetable while field corn is harvested when it dries up so it could be consumed as grain. Plants have an amazing ability called photosynthesis which basically gives the plants the ability to create oxygen by taking in sunlight. We, as humans have an ability to create carbon dioxide for the plants, which they use so it's a give and take relationship. Corn is a C4 plant, which means if it's given a lot of sunlight, it will grow into abundance. A study showed that there are about 45,000 products in supermarkets nationwide and about 10,000 of them contain corn in their ingredients. Corn can grow as tall as 8 feet with two giant leafs that stick out about 2/3 up to the stem. They can receive and produce pollen at any given time.
The article mentions that sweet corn is used as a vegetable.Field corn is used as a grain when the ear drys. It makes cereal,flour,etc.plants do have photosythesis witch is sugar and thats what they its like corn and plants on the field have ways of spreading food to other plants.This article realates to what we are studying in class of how we learned about how plants make there own food.
ReplyDeletephotosunthesis works by collecting water,carbon dioxide, and sunlight and makes glucose which is their food.
Photosynthesis is when a plant coverts molecules of water and carbon dioxide that they took into sugar. The carbon they take in comes from the water and the air surrounding them. The energy itself comes from the sunlight they receive. Plants are very important to us because they're part of our diet and they purify the air for us. Without plants, the whole food chain would not be able to go on.