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We learned that antibiotics do not treat viruses. (Why do they not work on viruses?) Scientists are constantly trying to find ways to fight viruses. But the best way to fight a virus is to prevent it, through vaccines. But there seems to be a lot of controversy about using vaccines. Some parents choose not to have their children vaccinated.
Read the following article: From the infectious diseases meeting: What's with the vaccine-o-phobia? by Nathan Seppa. What is the controversy. Why do some people choose not to vaccinate? Why do some scientists feel very strongly about vaccinated everyone? What do you believe?
Parents are afraid that if they vaccinate their kids, they will be putting them at risk. But if they do not vaccinate their kids they are putting a bigger risk on the kids and the people they come in contact with. Most schools do not allow kids that have not been vaccinated enroll in the school, so they would either need to be home schooled or transfer to a different school.
ReplyDeleteMany parents hear rumors of how the vaccine for a virus may actually be a deadly poison manufactured by the government to kill off the infected. Because many parents these days are very protective of their children and are easily excitable, and tend to believe such rumors. Scientists feel strongly about vaccinating everyone so as to keep as many people as safe as possible (or maybe to preserve them as future test subjects). I believe that it is simply the person's choice whether or not they want to be vaccinated or not.
ReplyDeleteVaccines don't fight the virus because part of the acutal vaccine is the virus. They put some of the virus in the shot to make your immune system ready for when the actual virus comes into your system. Getting a vaccination is very important because you have a higher chance of being immune to the virus when it comes around to you, like we learned in the simulation today.
ReplyDeleteThere are good things and bad things about getting vaccines. If you get one it could make you immune to that disease or infection which would be good because you wouldnt get sick with that disease. However it could also be bad because most diseases change fast and by the time the disease got to you, you wouldnt be immune because its different. This decision has brought up problems to do with school, where some schools wouldn't even enroll students who have not been vaccinated. I understand that it is just a safety hazard, but i think that it is the parents job to decide whether to vaccinate their children or not and it should not put the kids education at risk.
ReplyDelete-Ali R. 6th period
thats very nice people really devote so much time trying to find cures etc.but really how is it they are trying to find cures if they dont even know what the viruis is, like cancer.but every should get a vaccine so they can be safe protect them selfes and others.but i have a question can your body get use to always get a vaccnine and then later when you get ill can it fight it on its own being so use to vaccines?
ReplyDeleteParents want the best for their children and will go to great lengths to protect then against even the smallest things. If parents hear that a vaccination contains a deadly poison, they will disregard the fact that the dosage is too small to cause any real harm. Scientists feel strongly about vaccinating everyone so as to keep as many people as safe as possible (or maybe to preserve them as future test subjects). I personally think that it is up to the individual if they want to get vaccinated, but it should be up to their parents if the individual is still a minor.
ReplyDeleteVaccination is necessary because it’s able to protect you from lethal viruses. When you get vaccinated the vaccine contains a virus that identical to the virus it’s protecting you from. But the vaccine virus is not the lethal to the human being. So when the vaccine is injected the body builds immunity to the lethal virus. So the virus isn’t able to reproduce or attack your cells. It also necessary to get vaccinated so you wouldn’t pass in on to you loved ones. Scientist even found a way to get rid of virus using vaccine, like the chicken pox.
ReplyDeleteAntibiotics work great for treating diseases caused by bacteria, but not on viruses. This is because antibiotics kills living things. Viruses are no living things, so therefore they can't be killed. The main way to combat against viruses is through vaccines. Although vaccines are proven scientifically to work well, many people don't get them. This is because people believe that the vaccines can have worse side effect, like diabetes or brain damage. These accusations have no evidence and are misleading. Most scientists support getting vaccinated strongly because if you don't, you are a vessel through which the virus can be transfered to others. This leads to the best way of spreading aroumd a preventable disease.
ReplyDeletePeople are afraid to receive vaccinations because of the reactions they hear of, whether true or not. They just want to protect themselves and their loved ones, and will even look over the facts to keep them "safe". I don't think that people realize vaccines are extremely helpful and scientists would not put them out their if they were harmful. I don't think that people take getting vaccinated seriously enough. Hospital workers, day-care facilitates and more are not getting vaccinated and not only putting themselves at risk, but also the many people around them. So protect yourself, and get the extra protection.
ReplyDeleteSome parents believe that certain vaccines cause illnessess, like autism. Jenny McCartney is one of these people, who believes that the MMR vaccine, which is adminsitered to every new born, caused her son to get autism. The Mumps, Measles, and Rubella vaccine, however, has never actually been liked to autism by any scientific studies. Accusations like these have caused some to question the pros of getting vaccinated. They would rather take the risk that their child contracts a deadly disease than allowing them to get a vaccination against it because it is rumored to cause adverse side effects. These rumors are usually made up by people who have nothing better to do, but enstill terror in pregnant mothers-to-be and their partners, who inturn do not want vaccinations for their children, frustrating the medical community.
ReplyDeleteEvery few years there is another scare about a certain vaccine. This includes the famous belief that thimerosal, a organomercurial preservative in some vaccines, may cause autism. No scientific studies have linked thimerosal to autism, yet some parents still refuse to vaccinate. Vaccines are often controversial because they are often brought onto the market quickly, making people feel like guinea pigs. Vaccines, however, are the most effective and cost efficient way to prevent infectious disease. By not vaccinating, we risk bringing about preventable, but potentially deadly diseases.
ReplyDeleteSome people believe that some vaccines can cause illness especially for young children. People believe this even though there is no scientific evidence supporting these ideas. Scientists strongly approve of vaccines because they are scientifically proven to improve immunity to diseases. I believe that vaccines are very important to get because they help, but I also believe that it is possible to acquire a disease from a vaccine because we learned that vaccines are sometimes made from less lethal strains of a virus.
ReplyDeleteScientist get very frustrated when people think that they can get sick from getting vaccinated. People believe that these vaccinations can cause permanent damage, so they decide not get vaccinated. Scientist want people to get vaccinated so the risks of an epidemic lowers. I believe vaccines are extremely important to get, because you are protected from a virus when getting it.
ReplyDeleteScientists discovered how parents are afraid to vaccinate their kids because they think it will put them as a higher risk. Actually, if you don't vaccinate your children, your putting them at a higher risk for getting a virus. I believe vaccines are effective and important to get because there is a chance of you being very well protected.
ReplyDeleteWhen viruses spread in our body, our immune system tries to fight off the spread of the virus, but our immune system is weak. So scientist or doctors made vaccinations, which helps our body to remember how would the virus looks, and when the actual virus comes to or cells can fight it off. But parents do not want thier children to take these vaccintaions because, i believe that some parents think that the vaccination will kill thier kid, becuase thier immune system will repond to it crucial.
ReplyDeletecherrell per 5...
ReplyDeletesome people do and do not believe in getting vaccines. the people that dont get them cary more pathogens and the people that do get them get less diseases. people choose not to get vaccinated because they believe it is not safe. scientist believe people should get vaccinated so less people can get infections. i believe getting vacinations is a good thing, completely safe and everyone including children should get them.
My mom chooses to get me vaccinated because she believes it's safer and offers better protection. The benefits of vaccines outweigh the risks. Scientists have created vaccines for diseases that people used to get seriously sick from, like Polio, TB, Chicken pox, etc.. In fact, the article says that it is more dangerous to contract a disease than it is to get vaccinated for it. So it is safer to get vaccines than it is to actually get the disease or virus. I think it should be up to the parent, however, if they want to get their child(ren) vaccinated or not.