Thursday, February 18, 2010

A vaccine against cocaine?

Vaccines are supposed to help prevent you from getting sick from a pathogen.  What is a pathogen?  How does a vaccine work (think of the primary and secondary immune responses)? 

Scientists now have a vaccine to break the addiction to cocaine. Read the following article from Discover:  Can an Injection Break a Cocaine Addiction?  The drug "vaccination" takes away the high, so users have little reason to use. by Boonsri Dickinson.  How can a vaccine prevent people from using cocaine?


  1. This new discovery could pave the way for new ways to help drug addicts quit and stay clean. The vaccine that was developed triggers the production of anitbodies against cocaine within the body, so that users of the drug can't get the "high" from cocaine. The user then won't want to use the drug anymore because it won't make them feel high. If vaccines like this were developed for other drugs such as nicotine, heroin, and methampehtamine, many lives could be made better and even saved.

  2. Well... it seems as if it is a good concept. One of the only problems is that if they are blocked from getting the high, they mihgt use more to try to get it, leading to a large overdose. This would almost certainly lead to death, which is what the vaccine is ultimately trying to prevent. I think that in giving the vaccine, the reciever would hhave to be given advice on how to go from there.

  3. The idea that a vaccine can make drug addicts quit is a promising sign. This could help reduce the amount of rehab clinics by giving people the vaccine so when they smoke they won't get high and they won't continue to be an addict. Although if people are very serious addicts they will just keep taking different drugs which will worsen their addiction and health.

  4. Well i believe that this vaccine is a great idea of making people less addictive to cocaine. This will help a lot people in the way they act and the way people makes choices. Many accidents in many ways will be prevented like car accidents, human to human accidents etc..... this method can help because people will be able to take choices in helping themselves to give cocaine up. This can help be a better world.

  5. This concept of a vaccine against cocaine sounds very interesting and promising according to the statistics. There is cocaine molecules in the vaccine, so when injected the blood stream will become immune to it so that the feeling of a high will be no longer. However, the person may still find another addiction. But for the pure purpose of curing a cocaine addiction it is a good idea.

  6. A pathogen is an infectious disease agent that can cause disease to it's host. An example of a pathogen is HIV, a virus that causes AIDS, which cannot be cured, but it can be treated. There are many humans in the world that are living with HIV and a majority of them are capable of treating it and another majority cannot treat it. A vaccine is a sterile needle that is capable of treating and/or curing an infectious disease. Vaccines play a very important role in our lives and with other organisms as well. However, some vaccines can do more harm than good, depending on what is inside the tube.

  7. This vaccine against cocaine sounds like a good idea. It could help a lot of people who are addicted to cocaine to stop cause being addicted to cocaine isn't a good addiction at all. It could mess you up or could kill you.

  8. a vaccine is some shot you get when you go to the doctors and it is so you don't a kind of sickness or disease.

  9. a pathogen is a infectious organism. a pathogen is a disease producer.

  10. I believe that this vaccine is definatily a good idea.It would help people not be so addicted to certin drugs.It would be a good investment for America.I think that it will help reduce the drug addicts in our country.I thnk that it would be a good idea to at least try this vaccine.I mean this couldn't hurt to try right?

  11. A pathogen is a disease causing agent, usually either viral or bacterial. Vaccines work by priming the immune response with a low-dose of a disease. This way, the memory cells and antibodies are in place even before the disease enters your body. The new vaccine being developed blocks the chemical that causes you to get high from entering your brain. This leads to cocaine losing its appeal to addicts, so they stop using the drug.

  12. This new idea that a vaccine could stop addicts from using, is very promising. The vaccine that was created, made the antibodies against cocaine come alive, making it so that the user of the drug could not get high. So in the end, cocaine will no longer appeal to addicts, hopefully making them stop using the drug. If vaccines like this one were created for all different types of drugs, many peoples lives would be saved.

  13. A vaccine that can help cocaine addicts come out clean has been made. The vaccines secret is that scientists put a cocaine molecule on cholera and is injected into the body. The immune sytem realises the pathegon for cholera and makes antibodies to resist it. If the drug user who got the vaccine uses cocaine again, the cocaine will stick together and be destroyed before it reaches the brain. This will make the cocaine unapealing to the user and it will help him/her show up clean.

  14. The vaccine works by attaching the cocaine molecule to a non-toxic cholera. When injected the body make antibodies for both cholera and the cocaine. This cause the molecule to be destroyed before they can reach the brain where the cocaine causes the person to be high. This will prevent people from using the drug by making them not addicted to it so they won't need it. This can also work the opposite way, people may use the drug more knowing that they can't get high.

  15. A pathogen is a disease causing agent. A vaccine is when they inject a little amount of the disease so that your immune system becomes fimilar with that pathogen so when that paticular pathogen comes it will be easier for the immune system to fight it off. By injecting a cocaine molecule attached to the surface of an inactive cholera toxin protein it will give your body a feeling that you dont need it and can't accept it. This is alot like a vaccine because instead of fighting off a pathogen it is fighting off the crave for cocaine.
