Scientists have now potentially found a way to stop the spread of certain vector borne diseases using an ipod.... Read the following article from Discover. Field Notes Meddling With Mosquito Romance in the Name of Public Health by Dava Sobel. How can scientists use an ipod to stop the spread of disease?
We humans are susceptible to many diseases passed on to us by vectors. Vectors are organisms that transfer diseases, often insects. The disease that comes to mind first is Malaria. This is a disease passed to humans by mosquitoes. When the mosquito gets infected by the disease, the mosquito is not affected. Then, when that mosquito sucks the blood from a human, passing the disease to them, the human is affected. With Malaria being such a problem in places like Thailand, having nets over beds is highly recommended if you can get them. These nets keep out the vectors (mosquitoes), that transmit the disease. The article supplied suggests that an effective way to get ride of a lot of disease spreading is to get the female mosquitoes to mate with lab-created sterile male mosquitoes. This way the number of mosquitoes would decrease dramatically, along with the rate of infection. The things scientists like Cator are trying to research the mating patterns of mosquitoes in order to make the lab mosquitoes “sexy”, in order to attract the female mosquitoes.
ReplyDeleteA vector is any insect or animal that is able to carry and transmit diseases, usually effective against humans. Mosquitoes are vectors, and can carry a variety of diseases, including Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Dengue.
ReplyDeleteScientists have discovered that in a mosquito's mating habits, visual appeal, various chemical signs, and acute hearing abilities play large roles. Male and female mosquitoes respond to each other's emitted sounds, and the female chooses her mate according to the sounds he makes in return to hers. Because some songs give off the same frequencies that female mosquitoes expect, playing them on an iPod and having females have a sterile courtship allows scientists to be able to control vector borne diseases.
A vector is a when some kind of organism transmits a pathogenic fingus, bacteria or virus. When it acts as a carrier as a plasmid that conveys a genetically engineered DNA segment in a host cell.
ReplyDeletethe article about a vector gives some ideas to stop the disease from happening.
ReplyDeletei agree with Sarah that vectors do come from mosquito's
ReplyDeleteA vector who i believe that it is really harmful to humans can be a good thing as well as many viruses. Am not saying that it is good for us to die, however am saying that this can later stop the increase of population. The wide spread of diseases can be really bad but it can also be really good and by the way new methods in finding more things to help people be less compatible with diseases is a great idea but it will help in the increase of population.
ReplyDeleteVectors are organism who pass or transfer diseases to others. Mosquitos are vectors and when getting the diesease, it does not affect them, but when they suck people's blood they pass on the disease it is passed onto them. This is called malaria and is a problem in many countries. To prevent this from happening more, the article suggests to mate males without the disease with females, so the population of the disease-carriers decreases, as well as the overall population of them.
ReplyDeleteA vector is a vehicle used to transfer genetic material to a target cell. In other words, it is an organism that can pass and/or transfer diseases to other organisms. An example af a vector is a mosquito because it can pass on the disease malaria. When the mosquito sucks up blood from an organism, they can pass on the disease that they carry onto that organism and it can pass on to another organism and so on so forth until the disease is cure from that selected area. Malaria is occuring around different parts of the world and there are many treatments for this passed-on disease.
ReplyDeleteA vector borne disease is a disease that is transmitted to humans or other animals by an insect or other arthropod is called a vector borne disease. Vectors of human disease in Georgia are typically mosquitoes or ticks. Some species of mosquitoes and ticks are able to transmit viruses, rickettsiae, bacteria, or parasites to humans. The Georgia Division of Public Heath's Notifiable Disease Section monitors diseases that are transmitted by mosquitoes and ticks, provides public education about prevention of vector borne diseases.
ReplyDeleteA vector is simply a organism the can transmit diseases.A common vector is a mosquito.The disease that is usually attached to the mosquito is Malaria.It is passed from a mosquito to a human.This happens when the insect sucks your blood,then you end up getting a red welt where the blood was taken.This is a very large issue in some countries.The article states that males without diseases should be bread with females so the infected population goes down slowly but surely.I think we should find a cure soon so the death rte from diseases goes down.
ReplyDeleteI found this article very interseting. Who knew that an iPod of all the new electronics would be able to help control the amount of spreaded diseases. The female, who is larger, calls the male in with a "love song" that attracts the male, which happens to be the iPod. They call it a "love song" because the mosquitoes share harmonic frequencies that attract one another.
ReplyDeleteVectors are living organisms that pass on diseases to others. A type of vector is a mosquito, mosquitoes are a large problem because they are found in many places around the world. Mosquitoes can transfer many diseases such as Malaria which is a big problem in many places. The article suggests an effective way to get rid of disease spreading mosquitoes is to take the female mosquito and mate them with lab-created sterile male mosquito.
ReplyDeleteA vector is a living organism that is able to pass dieseases on to other organisms. Mosquiotes can easily spread diseases by sucking people's blood. The mosquitoes are immune to the disease because they carry it. But humans are not. Therefore we can get the disease. Scientists can use the iPod to make mosquito sounds and attract female mosquitoes. Then once they catch them, the scinetists can make them sterile and release them back into the wild.
ReplyDeleteThe human race is often affected with disease and illness. One of the major reasons why humans catch deadly diseases such as Yellow Fever and Dengue, is that a vector will transmit it to us. A vector is a disease carying organism that can spread the disease. An example of a Vector is a mosquito. The article is states that the mosquitoes that are cary a disease can be traped and mated with a sterile mosquito to eliminate the disease. This could save many lives beacuse there would be less vectors that are able to spread the disease.