Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Surprise Visitor

Scientists are finding new species all the time.  Why are they finding new species?  What is the importance of all these species?  Read the following article and watch the video.  Suprise Visitor. 

What is biodiversity and why are these species important?  And how does this relate to evolution?  Hint:  Look back to the blog in January...


  1. Biodiversity is a list of all the different species that live in a place. This new species is a type of cricket that pollinates orchids. Since this type of flower is originally from Madagascar it addapted to it's habitat and found a cricket to carry it's pollen. The cricket caries pollen on it's head and caries it from the male part of the flower to the female part of the flower. The cricket comes out at night when the flower gives out a sweet scent and comes and eats some of the pollen and pollenates the flower. So the flower and cricket addapted together.

  2. Biodiversity is the abundance of different species that are on earth. This new species is a cricket the pollinates flowers. The orchid flower is from Madagascar and evolved most likely with the cricket.

  3. Biodiversity is different kinds species that live in this world,including crickets and the flower pollinates, and wich both of this have to addapt to there unfmilar habitiat.
