Monday, May 24, 2010

Do you like Sushi?

If you like sushi, you should pay attention to where the fish comes from.  Watch the following video:  Just How Much Mercury is in the Fish you are Eating.  Where does the mercury come from?  What is the harm in mercury?  Why is this a problem?  (Think of food webs.)


  1. cherrell5..

    Mercury is emitted into the atmosphere from facilities and vehicles that burn fossil fuel. After being emitted from smokestacks and tailpipes, airborne mercury can travel hundreds or thousands of miles before falling back to Earth through rain, snow and dry depositions. It can end up in our rivers and lakes, and can accumulate in the fish that we consume.When mercury from human activity gets into our rivers and lakes, it can transform into methyl mercury, and can accumulate in fish tissue. Consumption of fish that contains mercury is considered the primary path of human exposure.

  2. Mercury poisoning is a rare cause of death, but in our ocean and rivers the fish are eating enough amounts of mercury that it could end up becoming lethal. Mercury is a metal that when eaten it doesn't leave the body. Its a problem because it is starting to kill fish and human beings.

  3. Tuna sushi from your local supermarket might have lower mercury levels and be safer to eat than the sushi from a high-end restaurant. Some results show that some species of tuna, particularly those that restaurants value for their firmer flesh and appealing look, such as bluefin akami and all bigeye tuna, have higher mercury levels than other species typically found in grocery stores.

  4. High end sushi may contain mercury. Tuna has been found to have a higher level of mercury in it, but that is mainly in the fancier quality. In grocery stores the tune should be pretty much free of mercury so it is safe to buy it.
    the fish are being contaminated by mercury beacuse mercury is emitted into the atmosphere when we burn fossil fuels. The mercury then goes into the oceans and poisons the Tuna.

  5. Mercury is another effect of the combustion of fossil fuels. Mercury particles are released into the air and settle into bodies of water. When consumed by fish, it is a danger to both humans and the ecosystem. While mercury isn’t a large cause of death, mercury poisoning will infect the human body and will not leave. This will have an effect on the immune and nervous systems, eventually causing death. Mercury also causes damage to the environment. If one layer of a food pyramid consumes mercury, it will soon contaminate the whole ecosystem. If the bottom layer is poisoned, then the next layer up from that will consume the poison and be contaminated as well. This creates a vicious cycle and soon the whole ecosystem is poisoned, which can cause disease or death.

  6. Poison from mercury is a very rare cause of death. Mercury comes from the burning of fossil fuels and all the smoke in the air. All of this gets back to earth and enters our rivers and lakes. Having this mercury it gets into the fish that we eat and having too much mercury in your system can become deadly.

  7. Mercury comes from factories and vehicles that burn fossil fuels into the atmosphere. Mercury can then come back to the earth in form of rain, snow, etc. The mercury might fall into the lakes or rivers, where the fish might get infected. If we eat this fish then we can get mercury poisoning, possibly resulting in death.

  8. Mercury is expelled into the air by machinery that runs on fossil fuel. The mercury particles are later dropped back down to earth when rain or snow falls. When the mercury gets into water sources, it is absorbed by the fish that we later eat. Mercury is deadly in large amounts because it is a metal that never leaves the body once it is eaten. This is now a problem because many fish contain high levels of mercury.

  9. Mercury is coming from the polluted water. Fish ingest this water and take in the mercury that never can come out. This mercury goes into blood streams and tissue and eventually cause people and fish to die. When people eat sushi, they ingest the fish along with the mercury. People will become sick and eventually the mercury will be fatal.

  10. Fish is an important part of many people's diets. In Japan, sushi is the main product of consumers. However, with the burning of fossil fuels releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, fish may not be the healthiest food for you. Mercury and other polluters have polluted the waters of many fishes habitat. These fish are not only eaten by humans but also by other sea animals. This could cause a chain reaction that could cause the entire food chain to fall apart. Not only the fish are harmed by the mercury in water but any other animals who prey upon these fish. Mercury has not been a lager threat to the deaths of humans but the number will increase as the water increases to be polluted

    Daniel M 6*

  11. Mercury is emitted through factories and into the air. Soon it can travel back through rain and land in water. Mercury is also from chemicals that are dumped into lakes and oceans. When it sits around in the water it is transfered to fish. Soon we eat the fish putting mercury in our body. Even other animals will eat the fish and another animal will eat that animal causing many species to be poisoned. Mercury can cause death if engulfed to much. It goes into our blood which is not good. But mainly it is found in our fish like tuna, hence the sushi poisons us.
    Michael 6
